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Tax Return Accountant - Wanted!


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Maybe paying extra tax to get a better return, know a few people that pay extra so they get a big return.

Same here, or they pay extra because they'd rather get a small refund than have to pay the tax office back if they underestimate their income for the year.

I pay extra as I only declare my private income with ABN yearly.. Makes the bill less.. Or if I don't do much private work makes the return big.

Yep, makes sense. Far better getting a refund than finding you owe the tax man money.

And it's slightly less now in the new tax year given that the tax rates have dropped a bit.

The tax rates have actually gone up. The tax free threshold has increased from $6,000 to $18,200 but to offset the tax cut that high income earners would have received, tax rates have gone up. The 15% bracket is now 19% ($18,201 to $37,000) and the 30% bracket is now 32.5% ($37,001 to $80,000). Then you add your 1.5% Medicare Levy to it unless you have an exemption.

Whats your farking problem with Head Teachers getting paid over $90k? I am one of them... And I teach specialist Maths, Methods, Physics and IT... I can tell you now I work harder than any engineer out there and I've got a sh*tload more brains!!!

Sorry, you interpreted it wrong. I was trying to say that Head Teachers are in the top 10% of income earners already. Not everyone can be in the top 10% so the Unions continually saying teachers don't get paid enough is never actually going to make a difference. While it would be good if Police, Paramedics, Teachers, etc. all got good pay, the reality is there are too many of them. You have to remember that the managers of these people (like Principal's who's necks are on the line if something big happens) are always going to want more money, otherwise they'd simply stay as a normal Teacher.

I know a lot of people (myself included) don't think $90,000 a year is a lot of money but the reality is that people on this sort of money are better off than 90% of Australian workers. I posted it because it was a good reality check that $90,000 is in no way a hard done by worker (my general thoughts were previously that $200,000 was a lot of money). If Head Teachers got $120,000 (what a Principal in a small NSW school starts on) then the Principal's are going to want more money as well. If you don't pay them more, they'll just be a normal teacher as there's no incentive to take on more responsibility and stress, etc. If Principal's get more, the Regional Education Director will want more and then the Education Director and then the Director-General. Then you will have specialist doctors on $150,000 saying "hang-on, if a teacher is getting only $30,000 less than me (in a job that is arguably less stressful than surgery where you are dealing with life and death) then I want a pay rise", etc. Then, the top 10% is simply over $120,000 and nobody has actually gained income as prices would rise to compensate for the extra costs businesses would be incurring.

I'm trying to say that rules of economics dictate that no matter how hard unions try and how poor people think $90,000 is, compared to other incomes, it won't ever really change. When the minimum wage goes up, so too do the wages of CEO's so nobody has actually benefited.

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  • I <3 Floods
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When wages go up.. So does the bloody cost of everything.. It's an endless cycle..

When the government cuts tax somewhere they increase it somewhere else..

There is nothing free in life..

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Worm for someone who thinks you are as smart as you say you are, you sure love to talk yourself up.

Did you fail the personality test?

Obviously you have never worked in a senior school?

Unless you are confident and know your stuff, you will get slaughtered by twenty five 16 year olds...

Junior school is worse...

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Cause maybe he feels teaching is doing something good.. Giving back to the community a bit?


Just going back to the Tax side of this thread..Had an interesting conversation with a co-worker just now about private health insurance.. He said since he earned over XXX amount of money he had to get private health insurance to lower his medicare levy..

Imagine how much good it's gonna do if 'Days you had private health cover for' = 7 out of 365.. WOW!!! That's gonna lower your medicare levy :P

P.S. My sister works for Bupa as a manager.. She'll be happy to know the advertising campaigns work.. However.. do people really think that taking out health insurance on the last day of the financial year will do anything good for you?

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JET how do you get $9k back?

I have an investment property that I negative gear (at a high rate...) paid $30k in tax... And I am only getting $6k back...

Just watch you don't get f*cked in the arse if you ever get audited!

ok first things first I dont do my tax I use a very well known accountant for the trade industry his cost is a write off , second I "HAVE" to use my vehicle for work pourposes this can be very easy or hard to sway depending on your job title. my job requires me to beable to work with my tools nearly anywhere in the metro area,3rd I have always had 2 cars

hes what happens

work a job u get paid well in did 108k last year and only 98k this year ( cbf ) smash the o/t on weekends only 5hrs on a sat morning is fine that's where a large portion of your tax goes. next claim that vehicle for a full year

as its a sedan I have to have a detailed log book for 3 months ( ute or commercial vehicle u dont have to ) the log book take a hour to fill out at the end of the fin/year easy crap

u get to pick any of the 3 months u worked so I always pick a period where its miles away from home ( yes claim from home to work then home) so it worked out I did nearly 14thousand kms in that 3 months multiply that by 4 made the total somewhere around 56tho kms divide that into days ( obviously less sunday ) then subtract rdo's holidays,36hr rdo's and sickys then u get a new total.

so an average of 47 though /kms 47,000kms divide 450 ( 450 is the kms to a tank of fuel) = 105

it cost $111.36 to fill 64 ltrs of premium @ $ 1 .74cpl/ltr ( average between aug-oct) then multiply the 2 figures

105x 111.36= $11,706 on fuel now u dont have to keep fuel recipts ever ( these are from rough workings I had done )

ok so far u have spent nearly 12k on your car, then add rego,tyres,services,mods ( yeh yeh its down as repairs) insurance,repayments etc etc so I had a grand total of $27,986 of expences plus the 25k I paid in tax

taxman works his shiz and checks all my workings ( btw I was within 200 bucks of being spot on lol)

bazinga 9.5k and change

now just remember its a multiplification of distance traveled in a 3 month period I cant help it that in that period I had to work away 200kms a day total aprox ( yes u have to have a job that u can say u worked at ) but still remember its just a calc and then never expect u to be spot on because if they did they would ask u to do a log for a full 12 months ( they used to years ago)

hope this helps the trade folk who have to carry tools

next year is going to be way better with the investment property, nras kick backs and the car he said I should see close to 22k back as the nras deal is so sweet but that's another story.

hence my point find a real good tax man that works in your desired field it pays off big time

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I'll just leave this here

Or hang on, let's test English and artistic skills... <snip> completed two Maths, literature, English, physics, Chem and art and received straight A+'s in VCE

You're "mates" must be

Just occurred to me that even MENSA members can look retarded when arguing over the internet. Badoom tish!

Good thread though, hope I get a fat return this year.

Edited by -SteveR-
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I lift heavy things. Money goes into the bank every week. Work gives me a piece of paper. I give to Taxman. I get money.

I continue lifting heavy things.

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