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Tax Return Accountant - Wanted!


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  • I <3 Floods
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I pay extra as I only declare my private income with ABN yearly.. Makes the bill less.. Or if I don't do much private work makes the return big.

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  • Sucker
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Then when you claim things in your tax you don't get that much back.. (EG: $500 power tool doesn't get you $500 back). It lowers your taxable income by that much. So you get a return on the tax on that amount.. Instead of paying tax on $210k you are then only paying tax on $209.5k so you get that tax back on that $500 so to speak..


That's one of the greatest misconceptions/scams in the lead-up to 30 June...so many businesses and charities seeking your money under the false pretense that 'you get it all back on your tax'. Which is complete horsesh*t, the most you can 'get back' for deductible expenses in the 2012 year is 47.5% if you're in the very top tax bracket. I.e. taxable earnings over $179k in the year. For someone with taxable earnings of $60k it's 34.8%

And it's slightly less now in the new tax year given that the tax rates have dropped a bit.

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Yeah, I know $90,000 doesn't seem like much but Head Teachers at schools are getting over this amount too. Puts their whining over pay in to perspective.

I want to know how he's gettin that much back too Worm, lol.

Whats your farking problem with Head Teachers getting paid over $90k? I am one of them... And I teach specialist Maths, Methods, Physics and IT... I can tell you now I work harder than any engineer out there and I've got a sh*tload more brains!!!

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  • Sucker
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Lol @ poor hard done by teachers

You all loving saying how tough you’ve got it, but I guarantee after spending some time in the real world your perspective would change a bit.

I’m friends with a few and can assure you that it’s really not that bad. Even have one mate that has gone back to teaching because it was too hard for him in corporate life…only getting a week or two off a year and working more than nine hours a day. :spit:

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  • I <3 Floods
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Worm.. I'll challenge you to the brains thing any day..

I've got a couple mates who are teachers.. One who is HoD in Physics and Maths.. And yes I don't want his or your jobs.. SImple fact I can't handle annoying kids..

But in saying that claiming you work harder then any "engineer" out there.. I put in 120-140 hours a fortnight.. And I am lucky to see 2 weeks a year off.. In which my mobile phone can't be more then 4 feet away from me. I also don't get to be home often.. And I work in a mathematics level I didn't even think existed in high school and I got through high school very easily.

Compare that to teachers I know.. 7-8 hour day.. Maybe some marking at home in front of the television while downing a beer. Sleep in their own bed every night. Get holidays and don't worry about work again until a week before they go back.

90k is an impressive income for alot of people..

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Haha! Do you get paid for overtime?

I used to do the timetable... Average 80 hour weeks. No paid overtime.

In regards to industry. I worked in it for years in IT. Still 70 hour weeks, however, I got paid for it and it was a piece of piss...

I am a member of mensa. IQ 186... Pretty sure I got ya covered champ...

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And tab... Youve spent 6 hours in front of 25 kids, 5 days a week? Then 2 hours of meetings... I can assure you, it ain't that easy.

You're "mates" must be the f*cking bludgers who give teachers a bad name?

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  • I <3 Floods
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Haha! Do you get paid for overtime?

I used to do the timetable... Average 80 hour weeks. No paid overtime.

In regards to industry. I worked in it for years in IT. Still 70 hour weeks, however, I got paid for it and it was a piece of piss...

I am a member of mensa. IQ 186... Pretty sure I got ya covered champ...

I do get paid for overtime in this job.. My last job was a flat 36hr pay week.. No matter how many hours we did..

Never been bothered with Mensa.. And I've truthfully never done an IQ test.. I don't see what a bunch of simple puzzles has to do with things I do day to day.. Such as Turbulent Flow, Eccentric loadings etc..

As I said before.. I would never want to be a teacher (Even though in was the first ever uni degree I started).. I couldn't handle the job.. But I don't believe teachers are better then people in the industry.. Least none of the ones I had.

If you ever wanna go head to head I'm up for it :-) Always like a challenge.. But it won't be sudoku and rubiks cubes.. It'll be real world engineering.. Since you said you're smarter then all of us..

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  • Sucker
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Worm I think you need to get off your high horse and open your eyes a bit, champ.

I could carry on about how intelligent I am and how hard I've got it by essentially being on-call 24/7 etc. to disprove your theory but really couldn't be bothered. And I don't think anyone really cares, I just feel the need to correct your grandiose sense of self-worth.

And no I don't believe they are the bludgers that you speak of, they do allot of unpaid work outside of the contact hours, but so do most people in other professions in the real world.

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