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Hektik Policing: Coming Back To My Car To Find It Covered In Blood And


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  • Member For: 12y 10m 27d
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So last night, I was out clubbing at a local place just out of glen waverly.

Turns out there was a brawl outside and the police were called in, and it just happened to happen around my car.

I came to find blood splatter on the drivers side door, roof, windscreen and bonnet.

The side mirror was folded in. There was also pepper spray all over the car too.

I havent found any panel damage thank god though.

It was almost as if they arrested someone over the side of my car..

First thing I did was rinse it all off, but the pepper spray has still left an oily residue.

Im yet to give the car a proper clean.

Ive also noticed a smell in the heating. It could just be me, but I swear the pepper spray has gotten into the climate control system.

Which comes to me wondering afew questions?

- Whats the best way to clean and disinfect the blood and oily pepper spray?

- Is it possible to flush or clean the climate system to get rid of the smell?

- And lastly, if I find any damage to the car or climate system, whos fault is it? Police, or the numb-nuts that were fighting?

I didnt manage to get photos of the blood on my car cause I just wanted if off asap, but I spoke to eye witness security, and im assuming the place has video security.

Im not sure what to do :angry:

It just frustrates me that my car could have been seriously damaged and no one said anything.

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I would have taken photo's of the car before washing it and second of all I would have taken a trip to Glen Waverly Police Station to ask who were the officers on duty to ask what had happened.

Your in a catch 22.

If there is no dmage to car you are very lucky, I have a feeling the spray may have entered into your dash.

Have good look to see if its the case as I wouldn't be wanting to be breathing it in while driving.

To clean your car I would use warm to hot soapy water (put extra car wash on sponge) wash the whole car properly and carefully to get rid of the oil based spray don't forget the engine bay aswell.

Best of luck

Edited by nick d
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$hits about to get real, $hitbag is being non-compliant, police say "oh excuse me $hitbag, before we try and place you under arrest, can you just move 10 paces to the left, we'd hate for anything to happen to anybody's car"

"Sorry officer, my bad, how about we take this scuffle over to the sports oval there, that way we can all roll around and OC the $hit outta each other and not worry about splattering our blood everywhere"

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Ms700 best post on this thread.. Hes not wrong though,, did you expect them to pull out a bucket and sponge to wash it afterwards?

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I havent done anything with the matter, I couldnt find any damage to my car and the climate system seems all good.

I understand they have a job to do, but im sure most members on this forum would be annoyed to find their car in a state like such.

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but im sure most members on this forum would be annoyed to find their car in a state like such.

Of course they would, just a case of wrong place wrong time, I`d be dirty too, I`m careful where I park. Hope you clean it out/off OK

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