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Extended New Car Warranty For The Xr6t


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Mines basically the same tab except they will only cover up to $2000 in any one claim.

Sounds like yours is aftermarket and not Ford underwritten, especially with the servcing conditions?

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No it's not a Ford extended warranty...

But I didn't have to pay $1200 odd to get it either.

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No it's not a Ford extended warranty...

But I didn't have to pay $1200 odd to get it either.

Adam might want to recheck your paperwork.

When I bought my T from, the dealer told me that I would have a six year warranty provided the car was serviced only through them, they gave me the warranty booklet and everything.

After I had a few issues with finding a chips on my rims and them not completing certain warranty work to my satisfaction I let the extended warranty go.If it factory ford warranty you can go to any Ford dealer if is aftermarket you can only go to where you bought the car from as the warranty is generally crap and only covers you for x amount of dollars.Factory warranty covers you completely.

Oh by the way they told me the extended warranty was worth $1200 but they generally sell it for $600 but they gave it to me for free too.Would have rathered the money.

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None of that bothers me...

I have a good dealer and I wouldn't consider using anyone else.

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Does the extended warranty have the same terms as the standard?  I.e. are there things that it doesn't cover?


The bloke at Ford said it dosent cover paint, interior, hoses, belts etc but dose cover all mechinical parts but not sure if it,s up to a certain amount. I will be going in there on Wednesday so I will get all the info then.



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The warranty might only be $1200 or so but you have to add the extra cost of what Ford charge for a service over a service from anyone else.

Where I get my car serviced, (from a guy I've used for years so no smart comments) it saves me a :fool: load.


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It seems like there are 2 different warranties that the dealer could sell you.

The first is the factory extended warranty that DOES NOT require that you have the car serviced by Ford, but any licensed mechanic.

The second warranty type is a Dealer warranty that requires you to have your car serviced at the purchasing dealer.

I would not touch a dealer warranty due to always needing to be serviced by dealer.

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Well I feel sorry for you guys then.

As I said I have a good dealer who charges reasonable prices and the guys know their stuff.

So I'm happy with my dealer warranty.

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They are not worth the paper they are written on.

As already mentioned ford will do everything to avoid a warranty claim if they can. If you take it further they will fight you tooth and nail until you run out of money, this is their policy. Along as they can state "it's within tolerances" you don't have a leg to stand on.

Personally you would be better off putting that money aside, then if something does go wrong you can then get it fixed, preferably by an aftermarket mechanic as it will then get fixed properly.

If anything does not end up going wrong over that time then you can put the money into mods or back into the bank. You are just throwing $1200 away if you get the extended warranty.

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