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Bfmkii Upgraded Stereo


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I was in the same position as the OP not that long ago.

Ended up with a PXE-H600 signal processor running off the factory Premo ICC, PDX-5 5 channel amp, Alpine 5 x 7 Type S splits front, JBL 5 x 7's rear and a Jaycar 10 inch sub mounted in the factory location (from underneath) Just have to line the MDF with some carpet and it's done.

A big plus was retaining the factory look and controls.


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Similar to what I was going to do ^^. I don't get this whole signal processor stuff though :s. The rest I understand though, haha

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I forgot to add I have a alpine HU also.

As rb has said any brand name will do the job your after, but get an amp with built in line level converter, then you don't have to worry about getting a separate line level converter/processor. If you get an aftermarket HU you can skip that step. I got my cousin a JL audio amp and sub for his bday, the amp had the converters built in so it all fitted up with the factory system and thumps... His speakers are lacking, but they are the std ones and aren't amped. I'd get an aftermarket HU as the amount of things you can do with them these days is awesome.

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
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hows the h660 going spook?

for limited space installs , there are a few options. I reccomend the doing the following.

goto JB(or car audio shop) with your fav cd , (NOT IPOD) , listen to every set of 5x7s or 6" they have on the wall , let you ear be your guide.

decide if u want intergration or a seprate HU

for intergartion.

Cheap audiocontrol lc6i

medium pxe- h660

money no object audison bit1


any good (not cheap as) HU that has the features u want

audiopro make a tissuebox mounting kit

ok so now we have full range speakers and sound input next is amps


cheap , jaycar 5 ch

will do a good job and be compact

best would be a 4ch and a monoblock for the sub


again listed to the subs on the wall with the speakers you selected , got for a 12 inch for the following reason.

there are a company that does fibreglass sub boxes for the falcons.

choice of mounting (all taking up little space)

lhs or rhs side of the boot ( I run these)

in the floor of the boot (raises the level of the sunken floor up a bit (need to protect sub if chucking stuff over it.)

agaist the back wall in single or duel sub

these can be removealble easly if the space is needed

if u get one of these I recommend chucking some more f/glass inside to stiffen it a bit more

so that should get you moving

to make it cheaper , do it yourself its not hard at all , and we are here to help

I run the audiocontrol dql 8 sound processor

fusion 6.5 splits up front with tweeters in stock locations

rear are 5x7s also fusion

twin 12" powerplants

2x 2ch fusion amp

1x 3000w mono

factory icc with dvd kit

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
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  • Location: Muswellbrook,NSW

yeh, I ended up tuning it in my mates spray booth late one night so there was no external noises , even a car going past will upset the tune in it , but the end result was great ,

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  • Location: Yarra Valley

Thanks for the options, appreciate it. I'm not a huge sound/music guy but do like to have a nice clean crisp sound when I feel like turning it up.

Again don't want to spend over $800 - $1000 on making it better. If you had that limit, what would you go for ? I'd also like to integrate it in with the stock hu.

I realise only spending this much certainly won't get me the best of the best but surely will be alot better than just the stock gear.

Cheers once again.

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