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What Did You Do To Your Car Today?


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My car has developed a slight miss/hunt at idle in gear

Can feel the engine shake ever so slightly when stopped at lights

So I have been doing all the easy checks first, and nothing has come up

Today I finished work early and decided I better check for a dirty plug or maybe water around a coil, I only put new plugs 5k ago, but thought I had better check

All fine and clean though

I have never had the rocker cover off so thought bugga it I'll have a curiosity look under there, I was expecting a bronze statue but it was spotless, not bad for 125k and ex cop car

Cams and rollers all are good, it has nothing to do with the miss I have but made me feel good knowing it's all in good condition...



So yeah if any of you guru fellas have some ideas for me to check, would be much appreciated

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timing chain is aligned correctly? Rotate the chain around via the balancer crank bolt and check to make sure it hasn't jumped a link or chipped a chain tooth.

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Keep us updated if you find the answer wilko!

My cars been doing it for the last 5,000 odd kms....(at lights can sometimes feel slight vibration/miss, but its so tiny that the tacho doesn't move at all). I'm at 135,000kms so must be common thing around those kms lol

Edit: do you still have stock turbo oil line? or did you remove the filter thing?

Edited by PTR_NITRO_FG
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I had a read through the engine manual, Ralph put in another thread this week and the timing was spot on

Chain guides looked fine from the top as well, so I'm sure it's ok

Car still drives fine, power still there and fuel economy hasn't changed

but the revs fluctuate about 50rpm when at idle and in gear

And Peter I'm still running the stock oil feed line with the mesh filter removed

My car is tuned, but I haven't contacted tuner yet as I am trying all the simple things first

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check for white powdery stuff on the coils themselves.

switch coils around to see if the cadence of the miss changes - if it doesn't then it might be the wiring/coil driver (something you'll want to get Mick to have a look at) - if it does change then it's whichever coil you just moved :)

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  • Member For: 17y 3m 17d
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that makes sense, I'll give that a whirl

Hopefully I can hear or feel a change with them moved

Might drive it around for this week and see if I notice anything different

Fingers crossed as that coil driver bit sounds expensive

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