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Life with out a hoist........... the struggle is real...!!!

Been doing homework on a scissor lift recently - they don't take up much space. Needs to be a) portable, and b) fit in a normal carport (height).

There's one called an MR30 which looks ok. Do a search on YouTube for MR30 scissor lift to see how they work.

Sold in Perth by AAQ, but they're expensive and won't budge on price ($3250): http://www.aaq.net.au/shop/detail/autolift-161108/

Molnar have their version, but it's even more expensive.

Meanwhile, they're around $US1200 direct from China: http://en.eae-ae.com/En/proshow/pId/20/classID/5

They're on eBay for $2590 in Melbourne - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/121489496955

I've found a new/unused one in Sydney for $2000 but need to figure out how to get it to Perth (I've set myself a budget limit of $2000 in total).

Lynford in Perth have a couple of in-ground scissor lifts. Surprisingly, they don't limit access to underneath the car much.

Photos of in-ground ones: http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35433



Edited by PhilMeUp
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  • Member For: 16y 7m 24d
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that's pretty cool, can you still get tail shafts, gearboxes ect out?

I had a quick look at one a few weeks ago. There was more access to underneath the car than I expected.

Tail shafts would be a breeze. Dunno about gearboxes, but can't see any reason why not.

Something like an MR30 only raises the car up by 1 metre, so there's no standing room. It's still going to be crawling and squatting.

But it will raise a car up in a standard carport (ie limited ceiling height).

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1m is still much better and easier than stands. besides you could still get away with trolley jacks rather than needing tranny jacks ect.

Still, 2k is within the realm of a 2 post hoist. So I assume portability and height are important to you?

Buying a new place soon and was adamant it had to have a shed big enough for a hoist. But these may change that. Whats their minimum height coz looking at some of those pics I dunno if my car would clear it.

Just looking at the inground one and hes done a nice job. Just not sold on the thickness of the slab below the jack. Looks like he ended up with like maybe 100mm below the jacks?

Edited by barnz
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