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What Did You Do To Your Car Today?


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  • To Loud
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Ms700, I have found out the hard way and it is very embarrasing. I went to ford to bitch about the cruise control not always turning on.

Well I was told that after starting the car and taking off, if you dont apply the brake pedal once, the cruise control will not engage.

It will just flash the words "cruise" at you on the dash.

Turns out they were right. Some sort of safety featurw. Dont ask me what as I have no idea what safety feature that is.

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I'll try that, but ive got a feeling my problem is a bit deeper I think.

As soon as I pull away from my driveway, or turn car off and back on, my cruise will work, but say, 10 klms into the trip, I cant activate my cruise anymore! It started happening after I removed my auto pedal box, and installed my manual pedals in readiness for the T56 swap. I was driving around for a few weeks with the manual pedals, but the car was still auto equipped, and that's when I noticed my cruise was playing up.....

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Shed a few kg from the car, pretty happy


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  • Member For: 11y 5m 17d
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As soon as I pull away from my driveway, or turn car off and back on, my cruise will work, but say, 10 klms into the trip, I cant activate my cruise anymore! It started happening after I removed my auto pedal box, and installed my manual pedals in readiness for the T56 swap. I was driving around for a few weeks with the manual pedals, but the car was still auto equipped, and that's when I noticed my cruise was playing up.....

If its anything like what happened to me, which was it would work, but as soon as I touched the brake, I couldn't activate it any more - turning the car on and off again would fix it till I touched the brakes again. Turned out on the brake pedal, there are two switches, and I think (cant remember properly) but the grey switch needs to disengage after the green one.

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