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What Did You Do To Your Car Today?


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Got my super pro comfort series outrigger diff bushes changed out for competition series ones today. Happily I noticed no difference in NVH :-) just goes to show that having my diff rebuild by people who know what they're doing worked a treat. I now have no clunks coming from my diff. My clutch however...well that's another story. It's booked in to get replaced by a mal wood option 3+ on the 16th. Hopefully then I'll be able to stop spending money on this bloody car for a while and just enjoy driving it!

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  • To Loud
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That is not good that the NVH is still there, I would have hoped that it would have at least reduced it a tad. Got the car booked in for the clutch to be replaced, make me want to break mine now...


You never stop spending money on these cars, I would have thought that you would have booked the car in to get the mods done next month..


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Marco, I meant that I had no increase in NVH due to the solid bushes...which is a good thing. The diff thud is gone now, but the clutch is clunking and carrying on, as you heard on Friday. So new clutch should hopefully do the trick and make the car a whole lot nicer to drive.

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  • To Loud
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Lol. Luke he said he has no clunks now. The thud in the diff is gone which was a bit of a concern for him.

His issue now is the clutch which definately feels shagged.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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As i said unlikely the clunk is coming from the clutch. The clunk will be movement elsewhere in the drivetrain being taken up/released as the clutch is engaged/disengaged. If the clutch is stuffed to the point that is making noise it wouldn't clutch anymore.

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  • To Loud
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Nope, not the clutch is not making any noise. the clutch engagement is right at the top of the travel of the clutch pedal, if that make sense.

It just does not feel right, when driving the car and changing gears.

It may pay for Dowen to have you take his car for a spin as I am sure you would know more about these cars than I do.

I just felt that when I got out of my car and into Dowen's car, I definately felt that the clutch was not right at all.

Could be that it just needs adjusting.

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Car has done 45,000 kms. It's lowered. Sits about 350mm hub to guard. There's clunking coming from my clutch/gearbox. The noise is definitely coming from the front of the car. But after talking with Tim Slako about it and having him drive the car he reckons it's stemming from the clutch issues, and may potentially have damaged something in the tailshaft (not a certainty, but a possibility). The clutch isn't engaging/disengaging properly, it's spinning the tailshaft and causing a clunk (a different one) when I put the car into gear even with the clutch on the floor. The clutch also sticks sometimes towards the to when letting it out and I have to pump it when is cold to get it to loosen up.

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I have to pump it when is cold to get it to loosen up.

That's what she said

Giggity :turboboink:

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