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1m is still much better and easier than stands. besides you could still get away with trolley jacks rather than needing tranny jacks ect.

Still, 2k is within the realm of a 2 post hoist. So I assume portability and height are important to you?

I'm in a rented house (ie I can't modify stuff) with a driveway and a fairly conventional carport.

I'd love to have a huge shed with a high roof and 4 post hoist. Some day...

Until that day, I'm keen to see if I can find something that fits within the space I've got, and at least gets the car off the ground easily enough.

Buying a new place soon and was adamant it had to have a shed big enough for a hoist. But these may change that. Whats their minimum height coz looking at some of those pics I dunno if my car would clear it.

Just looking at the inground one and hes done a nice job. Just not sold on the thickness of the slab below the jack. Looks like he ended up with like maybe 100mm below the jacks?

Places all over the world sell the scissor hoist that is often referred to as the MR30. Do some Google searching (MR30 scissor hoist) and you'll find various places with specifications and photos.

Yeah, if you're buying a house (ie long term commitment) then a huge shed with a high roof is the way to go. Assuming that there aren't any council issues.

Still, a 4 post hoist does take up a heap of room. All good, if you've got the space.

An in-ground scissor hoist doesn't take up any space, but still gets the car off the ground.

If you were building a shed from scratch then you would be able to plan from the start (ie concrete depth).

An in-ground scissor hoist could even go in a normal carport, where the car is normally parked.

A 4 point hoist is the ultimate, but a scissor hoist is worth considering if that isn't an option.

Damn shame that a scissor hoist is almost the same cost as a 4 point hoist, though.

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 1d
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Yeah paying alot for convenience I think.

Spending two grand (or more) on a hoist... there needs to be enough use of it to make it worthwhile.

Although, something portable like a scissor hoist can be kept for years and taken from house to house.

I've got two taxis (with plans to get more) and a project ute.

Safety will also be a factor for me. I'm using a good trolley jack and axle stands, but I'd be safer under a hoist.

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  • To Loud
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Dude, you have made the gears in my brain tick over yet again.

When I thought there was no hope of getting a hoist in my garage, you put this up in the forum.

The Redmount medium rise scissor lift looks the goods and would fit in my garage.

since I don't have the much space in my garage, if I got one of those and did not bolt it down, I could move it around in the garage.

That would make my life soooooooooooooooooooo much easier.

since lowering my car, I am having so many issues with the trolley jack. sounds like a good reason to give the trolley jack away and getting a hoist instead.

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