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Hit A Curb Fairly Hard And Now I Have Stiff Steering, Idea's?


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Guest XR09
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Good chance you shoved the diff ova a bit too. Thinking you have taken out two wheels on the same side. Hate those farken T intersection

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tie rod/control arm bent

maybe busted a ball joint.

Yeah figured tie rod, inspected the front today and looks like its toe'ing in.

Gotta get a free ball joint replaced under factory fault with 07 model anyways so hopefully its just this anyways.

^^^^What he said, camber will be way out.

Yeah im suspecting its this...

Diff bush

Could have damaged the bushing?


Dont hit curbs.

But is all seriousness if you hit it hard enough to pop tyre then as above something is bound to be bent or moved out of place.

Obviously dont hit curbs, first time ever hit a curb tbh. And normally running up a curb is fine in a Territory beast but dropped a water bottle and spilt water everywhere and breif moment around a bend I ran up the curb and then went into one of those Divits in the curb where the drain's are and that's what did the damage.

And to hit it that hard what the f were you doing? Lol testing 4wd potential or wanting lift off? Haha

As above quote...accident, normally fine if u run over a curb but cos I hit the drain hard.

I hit the front right into the gutter on mine damaged the rim, both engine mounts, tie rod was bent to 90 degrees, the underframe section was bent and a wheel bearing plust a front bumper

Engine mounts? FARRRK...was your car driveable? Other than the tyre popping and the steering feeling tight it seems normal otherwise. No knocking on the engine or rattling etc. How much did all of yours cost to fix?

I might have to make a insurance claim, already spent $160 on the replacement tyre. So if the steering costs more than $200 I might have to make a claim.

Good chance you shoved the diff ova a bit too. Thinking you have taken out two wheels on the same side. Hate those farken T intersection

Front diff? I know the bushing on the rear drivers side is on its way out cos I can feel it knocking and ive been told its a common problem on the Terri's

Edited by fastfwd
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Got the car booked into a Allans CV Joint specialist which I have used in the past. They do steering and all types of suspension also and they are freakishly cheap...

Hoping it wont cost to much, trying to say away from making an insurance claim if I can.

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Mine was insurance, engine the gear box and exhaust were all sitting crooked had to take center console out to change gears ( manual ) drove it home change engine mounts then drove it to get fixed

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Mine was insurance, engine the gear box and exhaust were all sitting crooked had to take center console out to change gears ( manual ) drove it home change engine mounts then drove it to get fixed

Man that sounds harsh, sounds like you did a real number on your car, never under estimating a curb ever again. I will get the workshop tomorrow to quote me and if its over 200 then im just going to go with an insurance claim. h8 insurance, its never easy. They talk BS on TV adds like they are there to help you and walk/talk you through the whole process like its a dream and your on cloud 9. But really is Call centre wait times of 20 minutes, claims officers telling you that you dont have anything on the policy that you were promissed originally, no hire car and a headache process of upto 2 months usually for something you could have fixed cheaper/faster than the excess itself.

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