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Fg Stalling Problem Fixed ( I Think)


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Thanks Keith,


I haven't tried the earth to the PCM bracket yet.  I can't see how an extended run would impact upon earthing issues but it'll cost me nothing to add one more short length of earth cable so I'll give it a try.  And see if anybody recommends a good auto elec in Western Sydney - just in case one more earth doesn't help.




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Funnily enough I had these symptoms and used a bottle of injector cleaner, near stall/low revs and hunting gone. Maybe I should prepare myself for an oxy sensor next.

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  • 2 months later...
  • SLY
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I'm also having this exacted issue with my car since owning it (08 fg g6et with 2012 motor with mods, 307rwkw, also had same issue before the old motor went).

When stopping at the lights or stop signs the engine stalls every now and then. Ive replaced the spark plugs and the coils looked fine, the battery charge is also good and the alternator has also been replaced when new motor went in. Should I start off with adding grounding straps to see if the issue fixed itself or is there something else I should look into first?, also it does take a few clicks more than I think it should for the car to turn over. Car idles and runs perfectly, but stalls once in awhile. 

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  • 3 months later...
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I should update this thread (I did post about what did completely resolve my issue in another thread all those years ago). Mine is a 09 FGt G6e.


I had an annoying stalling problem and tried everything, including the above with additional earths. Stalling still occured.


I compared my tune on HP Tuners and found an area of the fueling map in my tune that was a little leaner in several fueling points compared to most other stock FG fueling maps. That part of the fueling map will usually not be visited on deceleration coming to a stop but sometimes is. It is a lean area of the map and I put it down to bad ford tuning and was maybe rectified in Ford updates.

Nevertheless I put the same richer figures in 4 or 6 load points as per the other FG tunes I had seen and voila never stalled ever again. That was years ago.


The story is a bit more complicated than this but just to let anyone who has  a FG stalling problem that there is one suspect Factory Ford tune out there that has a tendancy to cause stalling.

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