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Help With A Potential G6E Turbo Purchase


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I'd agree. That sounds like an awesome deal if they pay out your loan. Shop around for a better interest rate and then make the deal beat that too. Also make sure that the interest rate is fixed for the five years and there isnt any fees if you pay extra off.

My interest rate is 8.48% fixed for life of loan, and I can pay it off with no fees. But if I want to withdraw the extra ive paid on it I can do that too. Which means I can pump my money into my loan to reduce the interest and if I need to withdraw any in an emergency its all good.

Parking is simple, just reverse it everywhere, easy with the mirrors and reverse camera.

Id also get an inspection on any used car. That way you can have things like brake pads, bushes, tyres and leaks checked and factor that into your budget.

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  • Resident idiot.
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You have got yourself a great deal.

I'd try and match your old repayments and cut down the length of the new loan.

By the end you should have a much better car for virtually no extra cost.

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There probably making 4-5k in the ford I reakon ..... They nornally get trade in cars for a nick ! Have you tried selling your car privately - you would get alot more for it, then you could go in there and negotiate the price on the ge6.

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  • Sucker
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...but still ask for a bit more. Have never met a salesman that gives their best deal first-up.

Don't worry about the parking either, piece of piss with the reverse camera and sensors. Side mirror that automatically dips when reversing too which is awesome for parallel parking.

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Buy it, I just bought a 09 G6E turbo for 32,000 with 55,000 on the clock awesome car you have got a great interest rate and I don't think you wound get 19,000 for your old car if you sold it private Good deal mate

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Is the loan interest reduceable as I dont think Fords finance do interest reduceable loans?

if you dont know what interest reduceable means then I can answer it or someone else will.

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  • Resident idiot.
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Don't think ford do finance here anymore. Most seem to use alphera (BMW finance) if so then yes you can reduce the total interest on the loan by paying it off early.

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So handy being able to get info and opinions on stuff like this. It is confusing and nothing worse than a young bloke getting screwed by a bullsh*tting salesman by not fully understanding what's going on. Because they never explain it properly! Mainly cause they cant!

Good idea asking the question first mate. It pays.

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