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Coolant Turned To Brownish Colour


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I add the coolant first then when the stat opens add water to the HOT line.... heater on and patience ...very easy to get an air pocket when you have rerouted the hoses like I have, I may go back to the original position it's getting a bit cluttered ?



I leave the rad cap off as well now until engine is up to temp, some people prefer to pressurise it...

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almost done, I flushed it with the garden hose in the bottle and the hose on the bottom of the radiator off. That bung on the bottom was just too fiddly and I didnt have a tool to get it off. I had to unscrew the black plastic defuser under the bumper to make enough room to get my hands in there. got it though, the stuff that came out was basically water but stank like all hell. just ran some radiator cleaner through it for 25mins and waiting for it to cool so I can do one last flush and then put in the proper coolant. so far so good.

I bought an 82c thermostat from supercheap, still deciding whether to put it in or not. My car isn't tuned and there 100 different opinions about whether or not they can do harm etc etc.

Edited by broke
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Is there any reason why I could only fit 7.5 liters of coolant in? Does anyone fit the full 10 liters in when doing a coolant change.

I was only able to squeeze about that much in to mate. I flushed it twice with the tap for about 5min each time, also filled it up and ran a radiator cleaner through it for 25min then another 5min water flush. took my whole bottle of nulon concentrate and only about 2 maybe 3L of water (demineralized) after that. I obviously didn't flush it properly. Ran the heater on full every time as well. Took the car for a drive and gave it some full boost and by the time I got home the level when hot was just below the max when cold. topped it up. I'll keep one of my 5L bottles of water in the car and keep checking it periodically.



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also I decided to install the 82c thermostat can advise so far with car idling for almost an hour throughout the day today and a good burn I've had NO adverse effects as a result of it being installed other than gaining a notch on the temp gauge. it sits on the line before half now at all times. will creep up to half if im hitting the go pedal hard for a while. but just cruising around it doesnt move. so far so good

Edited by broke
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Well that's good to know. Maybe it is just 7.5L that they take for a flush. Because I did pretty well exactly what you did. A few flushes with the hose. A radiator flush for 20mins then a couple of flushes afterwards.

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  • 7 months later...
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Good to read what other guys have done on this thread. Stock factory coolant is absolute crap, when I drained it, it came out greeny/brown and heaps more water than coolant. Flushed it out with rain water from the water tank and filled it with tectaloy 90 plus. It took about 8.5 ltrs. I jacked the car up on the drivers side so more water would come out of the drain plug.

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