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Mcinnes - White G6E Turbo


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Finally got my G6E today! Its white with black interior. Sorry if the photo's suck, im no photographer and my camera hates me :P

So I thought I'd post some pics up of it stock, and as I add to it I'll update the thread :D

Planned mods:

- XR8 Bonnet - this will be the first thing I hope, hoping to get it within next 2 weeks :)

- Vertini Sicilian 20" wheels (still playing with this idea. hard to find rims to suit)

- Bigger air intake, maybe a blue power

- Exhaust system, not sure on this one yet, depends what it sounds like with air intake.

- Toying with the idea of getting the Gentech Stage 1 Turbo kit they offer. From what ive heard its a great idea for a safe amount of power. Bad side, I think this voids my 10 years warranty :(

- Pedders XA coil overs (gunna dump this thing on its ass!)






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The photos look better on here than on my computer haha. They're blurry on my PC

Thanks guys :) I'm over the moon with how good it goes. Ive only found 1 problem so far, which is iPhone connectivity doesn't run through the stereo, so I'm tang it back to ford to get it checked out today

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  • loitering with intent
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Nice mate, any mods and your driveline warranty is bye , bye's

I modded all my ( I 6) cars within 3ks

You play, be prepared to pay

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Congrats mate. :thumbsup:

Any pics of your cardigan/slippers?

...do you mean my actual slippers? coz they're pretty bad ass!

Nice mate, any mods and your driveline warranty is bye , bye's

I modded all my ( I 6) cars within 3ks

You play, be prepared to pay

Kinda regretting getting the warranty -.- Because I had some big plans in mind, and now its like...crap, I've now got warranty.

So I might void it later on down the track :mosking:

First mods I'm doing are Wheels and XR8 bonnet. Then I'm going to look into lowering. That should keep me occupied for a few months :D

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just a side note as ist new that you either take your mud guards off now and save the paint or they stay on the life of te car... the paint gets rocks etc scratching it with vibrations.

looks mint (identical to mine ) lovely cars hey. just awsome out of the box performace.

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just a side note as ist new that you either take your mud guards off now and save the paint or they stay on the life of te car... the paint gets rocks etc scratching it with vibrations.

looks mint (identical to mine ) lovely cars hey. just awsome out of the box performace.

Its an 08 model :/ so im guessing theyre gunna have to stay on now. I'll take a look at it though, and see what damage has been done. Thanks for the tip :)

Theyre great cars. I have a FG XR6 before this one, and the power difference is insane! I love the way this thing handles as well. so smooth.

This may sound obvious, but have you paired your phone and set the phone to "use Ford BT" ? Pairing isn't enough.

Yea ive paired it by bluetooth, but the actual music wont play through the stereo. I can make it play by going into the phone and pressing play manually, but I get no artist or song name. It just says not compatible :/

My last car the XR6 worked perfectly. Ive updated my phone to the latest IOS and still nothing. I took it to Ford and they said its going either be the cable (I know its not the cable) or its some box thing behind the ICC. And he reckons I'll need to pay to get it fixed? shouldnt this be covered by warranty?

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