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Fg "restrictor Ring"


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as if it would need a tune people on this forum way are way to obessed with getting a tune for f*ck all if your not replacing the cat on any of these cars it doesn't require a tune end of story.A tiny restrictor ring removal isn't going to make it a high flow cat grind that baby out with no regrets

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well, my mate and I spent the Sunday morning grinding out that ring on my car, wasn't as bad as we thought but not entirely sure it made a big difference or not.

feels like it spools a little quicker, but yer I don't know for sure, but I do know that it should be pumping the waste gas out easier now without any unnecessary restrictions, least till I get a proper exhaust

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Day off work so thought I'd have a crack at taking out this restrictor ring. Going back to old go-kart days we used to have a restrictor ring put in to slow them down for the different classes and the difference it made from having it to out was like going from N/A to Turbo. This in mind by removing a ring that is in the exhaust could only be good for the engine.

So this morning I jacked the car up and eventually got the exhaust bolts undone with some care not the brake them as they were pretty damn tight. Bit of WD40 helped enough to crack them and then was smooth sailing.

Now to the grinding. After spending a hour looking for the die grinder I find out the brother has taken it and p*ssed off for a few days. So here I am with car up the exhaust apart and no Farking grinder to get the thing out. I spent another half hour looking for something else to use and finally came across a couple of old Cold Chisels and a lump hammer. With some careful precision and a few strong belts the Restrictor ring started to shift and before you know it she was out. There was only three small tack welds so the chisel and lump easily sorted them out.

Bolted it all back together and went for a drive and definitely noticed there was a little more bottom end. My car is stock and a Mk2 FG manual. There gear changes between first and second the car seemed to pick up quicker and not drop off as much between changes at low RPM.

Definitely worth having a crack at if you have an hour or so to kill.

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For some reason Mk2 turbos seem to make good power with restrictor ring.. I've made 245 stock and seen a few others around that mark also..

It's not to kerb power I think, it's to hear up cat quicker for better emissions.

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Am guessing the euro 5 cat on the newer models had a bit more flow than the previous ones.

Restrictor was to even it up with the previous ones so they didn't need to adjust anything when they went to the new cat.

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