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Penrite Oil Question


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hi guys,

Im a bit confused by penrites oil recommendations with the 10 tenths racing oils the racing 15 says its a 15w-50 but it says it should be used where 15w-40 oils are needed, and then the racing 10 says its a 10w-40 but should be used where a 10w-30 is required.

Any ideas anyone?

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Basically the first number is your cold viscousity and for a full syn oil this can be 0 with no ill effects for you as it just means that the viscousity is closer to what the engine requires.

As for the second number this is the viscousity at operating temperature. For the falcon im pretty sure its 40, so for everyday driving you would want a ..W40 a 0 or 10 would be best.

With the higher number 50 that is for when you are constantly giving it a hard time thus increasing the engines operating temp which would take the 40 outside of the viscousity required whereas the 50 at that hotter temp is the viscousity required.

that's the basics hope it clears something up for you.

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thanks Wenier,

They got back to me what I was struggling with was that they say that the 10-40 is suitable for a 10-30 oil recommendation and same with the 15-50 is okay if a 15-40 is specified, was concerned it might be a bit thin if the 10w-40 is okay for a 10-30, but they said its fine. What do you guys rekons best to run out of the 2?

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Personally I run the Penrite 10W/50 full synthetic. This was recommended before 10 tenths racing was released. The reason I use it is that I change oil and filter every 5000km's and there is a bee's dick between the 2, as far as flash point, and viscosity index are concerned. Another good aspect of penrite is the high zinc content (ZDDP) where others use sulphur for friction modifiers. But the 10 tenths oil is more stable, but also considerably dearer. Oil stability is considered better when the numbers are smaller. For example a 10W/30 oil is apparently more stable than a 10W/50 as the gap in the first oil is only 20, not 40 like the last. The other reasons I like Penrite are that there Australian based, and are heavy involved in motorsport sponsorship. As previously mentioned the first number is related to cold cranking ability the lower the faster. The higher number is an indictor of shear strenght when heated. That is the hotter the oil gets the greater the distance between moving parts. Now a 50 weight oil is going to be a better opinion than a 40 weight if your car blows a radiator hose and drops coolant. Cheers

Edited by Impellor
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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Good value too the Penrite. Just wish they and others would do a 6L pack like Nulon do. I run the Nulon 10W40. Also like that it's aussie made :)

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  • Member For: 15y 26d
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Im guessing since they call them a racing oil they expect you to give it a hard time and thus use the higher weight.

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