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Thinking Of Upgrading The Bf Mk2 To Fg Mk2

mercury rising

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Hi guys been a while since a post.

Have been happily peddling my 2007 BF typhoon around for 2 yrs now and kays are up at the 80ish mark, have been running 306rwkw tuned by morpowa SA safely and reliably the whole time with no complainants. Although recently have started to hear a diff whine L

However my eyes have been on the new FG MK2 F6's since they were released, I have currently got my dealer ( jarvis ) trying to chase one up for a drive.

I thought I would how ever ask the question as I am sure many of you guys have made the jump already.... I am interested to hear your opinions on the two models, I think the FG interior is a class above.

But is the everyday driving experience really worth the extra $$$ I am sure I will find out first hand in good time, but would love to hear some opinions’ as well.



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to go from a bf to a fg I personally think is a wise move. I think they really got it right with the fg. they handle better and the interior is nice expecially if you get the luxury pack and tech pack. I dont recommend buying a f6 I cant justify the money on it. just buy a xr6 turbo smash a gtx35 on it and upgrade to brembos cost ya 4k. your still 35k better off. I think value for money is the xr50 as you get all the extras free. and I think they're going for the 30's brand new now as the mk2 is now out. but whats the point all its got is a bigger screen whoopty doo. just my opinion

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Hey Matt, have just been through this dilemma, spend money on 08 fg or upgrade to 2012 f6. Decided to go with the f6 because its brand new, has the 8" touchscreen and bluetooth for phones etc, and its an FPV, never owned one before and thought it was time to change that. Had a couple of test drives and did notice the power drop(mines 303rwkw) but its not too bad. Feels nicer to drive than the 08 but that could just be because its new. You could get a 2011 f6 for about 7k less from memory...

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