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Garage Cafe Meet Up


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Garage Cafe Meet Up

Date: July 7, 2012 - start lining up to get in from 5pm (so we can get at least 15 cars inside to have the place mostly to ourselves)

Address: 221 Berkeley St, Carlton

Meet up for dinner and chat there.

Then possible mini nite cruise afterwards from about 7pm (weather dependent). Mini nite cruze will start from Garage Cafe in Carlton and finish up at Diamond Creek train station (not far from the start of the Ring Road) which is right next to Maccas. Distance 80km and about 1hr 40min with a few toilet stops along the way. Route map will be handed out on the night.



Bring a jumper or coat if it's cold - heaters are only near the eating areas and probably need more heaters because the ummm front door is always open :roflmbo:

It's a bit tight inside for parking so if you want there is heaps of free on-street parking around nearby.

As xr6t_ute said, "Just a tip for all going... If you want to leave early dont park your car inside, and especially dont be the first to park, as everyone will need to back all there cars out."

Beware of the driveway lip - it's a bit angled for those with lowered cars. Nothing to worry about - I could get in and out - just turn into the driveway rather drive straight up the driver way (if you know what I mean).

Pics of Garage Cafe in Carlton (the back of City Ford)






Sorry for the spam =]

For those interested in coming along for the mini nite cruze:


1. Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...

2. There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

3. Use the Buddy system - always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost.

4. CB Radios - if you don't have one, follow the maps and directions given out. It is highly recommended to have CB as it enhances the enjoyment of the cruise being able to hear about road hazards and join in on the social chatter.

5. Please turn up to the meeting points with a sufficient fuel in your tank and enough time before the departure time.

6. Onus is on the owner/driver to ensure their vehicle is safe to drive on public roads and meets State road traffic authority laws.

7. Please ensure you have a contingency plan if you have a breakdown or unnecessarily delayed. e.g. Roadside Assistance or a mate in another car who is willing to stay with you if necessary.

8. By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it's Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Controllers, or Owner responsible / liable for any damage and / or grief sustained (simply; you are responsible for your own actions).

Interested Attendees:

1. JulzC


3. dre

4. Weaponxr (maybe not as date may not suit)

5. PAZZOnegger

6. boosted_XR

7. daztbo

8. Shyfrd

9. MiKa

10. xr6t_ute

11. rbjet

12. _Velocity_

13. adie


15. TRA1NR

16. Henz

17. Riff

18. 1NSANE

19. TonezXR6T

20. MAXout

21. k31th


23. j.d

24. tonyv

25. jono




29. boosted_rhino*

30. Lax

31. Yoshi

32. nick d

33. Paulie2256

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