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Please Help Me With My Vibration Problem


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So have spent the last 6 hrs going through every post in driveline forum which may relate to my problem, and also smashed google, but can not work out what might be the problem with my car.

Have an 06 BF XR6 T with a light vibration coming from somewhere in the rear of the car. It does not start until about 95km/h, but does not start straight away, e.g. get onto the motorway and accelerate to 100km/h and after maybe 15 - 30 seconds it starts of lightly and slowly progresses to a very noticeable vibration. Interestingly, at about 120km/h it goes away regardless of how long I have been driving.

This problem started after a 100km drive from central qld to brizzie.

There is nothing coming through the steering wheel but does somewhat through the gear stick and seat.

So far I have had the following done from advice trying to fix the problem.

new mags, as 3 of them where buckled

new tyres

New pedders suspension

Park break adjusted

Also take into account, before the vibration started I had the diff bushes replaced because they where f'd, as they do (vibration didnt start straight after this though)... which bought up lots and lots of continuous clunks at low speeds which was the diff f'd which has also been completely rebuilt, but as I couldn't afford the rebuild straight away, it was carried out after I drove to brisbane, so this problem arose while the diff was f'd, but remains after the diff rebuild.

This is professionals (but not ford service) giving me this advice and this f'n vibration is still there, and dont know where to go from here.

I just want to gather some peoples opinions before I bite the bullet and take it to ford and say I don't want it back until its fixed.

Thanks for your help in advance! ...if you can lol.

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  • Location: Central QLD

Thanks for your response mate.

Would they have removed them for the work I have had done? Or could they fall off, even? Coz im pretty sure the problem wasn't their when I started my trip but when I got on the smooth highways of brissie it was really noticeable.

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Yes to remove the tailshaft you need to remove the weights... Also if the diff has been rebuilt the tailshaft will need on car balancing... I would get ford to balance your tailshaft... Removing and balancing at a driveline shop wont work either... Not sure if anyone bar ford has the correct equipment to balance our tailshafts, iv done heaps and its quite an involved process

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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  • Member For: 17y 9m 12d
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Yeah one of the blokes at the tyre shop did say something about the on car tailshaft balance, I might just bite the bullet and take it to ford, get the weights checked and balance done. Thanks heaps mate

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If the shaft wants to be nice and balance first go it takes me around an hour to balance, if it wants to be stubborn and not balance first go can take upto 2-3 hours, if after that long it wont balance I get the imbalance magnitude as low as I can then quote on a new shaft... The cost involved is labour+ weights which are pretty cheap, best case scenario should get away under 150 bucks...

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I had a similar problem with my BAII. Ford mechanic took it for a drive. Told me what it was as soon as the problem came up. Had it fixed the next day. Tail shaft balance.

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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Driveshaft balance weights haven't been installed correctly.

Can almost guarantee this is the answer, as all of Ralph's 1 liner answers ALWAYS end up being the issue

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