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Boost Issue And Braking, Steering Shudder


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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

Hello All

2003 BA XR6T- drives fine until I put foot flat to the floor. The Car will hit the 3500-4000 RPM then basically die- like it has cut fuel- then when I ease off accelerator and put foot back on it will drive again as normal. If I ease into the acceleration it pulls ok but if I put my foot down too much it almost floods itself or feels like it is starving of fuel or similar. I am unsure of what this could be- and am desperate of finding the solution I have done the following-

I Have researched coil issue- however from what I have read this doesn't sound like the issue?

Took car to one mechanic who wasn't sure but said it seems like it is a wastegate issue- he said that it appears that the wastegate could be ceased open? - he cleared an overboost error from the ECU also when checking it.

Please help if you have had something like this or have any ideas of where I can start It is annoying me sooo much right now!!

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Fuel filter? If your wastegate was stuck open it would struggle to make boost let alone overboost. I would start with fuel filter, air filter.

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My waste gate was stuck closed, car went hard as until about 3000rpm where it would just stop all of a sudden. Put it in the dyno and it was getting up to 20psi! Turned out to be turbo side engine mount was f*cked.

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Sounds like the same problem that I had when I first got my T. For me it was the diaphragm in the turbo actuator that had split causing it to overboost.

Took about 4-5 visits to the Ford dealership before they were able to identify the problem. Their mechanic told me the car would hit limp mode because the extra boost was causing it to run lean. Not sure if the computer in the Falcon can do this but this is what he told me.

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Thanks for the input, I have tried the traction control on and off, no difference. The car was only serviced recently according to logbook. I doubt it would be a fuel filter or air filter but hey anything is possible and who knows how good the service was. I think the " diaphragm in the turbo actuator that had split causing it to overboost." is probably the most likely- I will get this looked at and see where to go from there.

Velocity- What cost are we talking here and how hard is it to replace?

Appreciate your help.

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Mine was under warranty as I had bought the car from the dealership (second hand). They said that you have to remove the turbo to get to it but I think your best bet would be to take it somewhere that specialises in these cars. Might cost you a bit more short term but at least you will have peace of mind. What state are you in?

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I am in NSW- Sydney. I am yet to really find a mechanic that knows a lot about the XR6T without charging me the earth. I have a good general mechanic however pretty limited with finer detail and fault finding. May have a talk with my long term mechanic and then see how it all ends up.

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There are a few forum sponsors in Sydney you could give a call. It might work out to be something that they can diagnose for you and your local mechanic can fix.

Let us know how you go either way as it's always good to post a follow up in case someone has the same problem and reads your thread.

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