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Boost Issue And Braking, Steering Shudder


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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

I want to have a really good look around and see if there is anything not right. I still believe that I have some sort of a fuel issue. It feels like the car is starving of fuel. It frustrates me at the moment- The positive is that the car drives pretty well on a general sense however if I don't have the car running as it should I should have just brought a xr6 naturally aspirated instead.

Can't wait to get this thing working.

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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

Hello All

I know that brake shudder is common in BAs so I won't go on too much about it.

I have the following problems- With my 2003 BA XR6T if I put my foot flat to the floor I hear induction noise- the blow off valve sounds like it is releasing air and it then dies until I take foot off accelerator, then put back on however stlll won't pull boost. If I gradually accelerate the car pulls ok but if I put foot down too much it just completely cuts out. Took to mechanic and he said he had to reset the ecu as it had an overboost code. I have just completed the solenoid wd40 trick will see if that does anything. Any ideas? would coils cause this or plugs? I have only had car about a month.

Also have just upgraded the front and rear pads and the front disc rotors to the DBA slotted- Still shuddering and are now noticing on drive that wheel shudders a little- may get a balance and see if that helps- do you think I should just get the rear discs also as an off chance that it is this.

Sorry for long post please help.

p.s Care is stock with exception of chip torque exceed piggy back which was in it when I got car- could this be causing the boost problem?

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Sounds like you could have a boost/manifold leak... Check the throttle body-crossover joiner and all cooler pipes etc, spray some brake cleaner over the manifold gasket see if it changes the idle etc... Does the steering wheel shake whb u brake? Or does the whole car shudder? Normally rear brake shudder is felt through the whole car with no steering feedback

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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d


The braking is felt mainly through the steering wheel which is why I got the front rotors and pads sorted- it did help the braking from what it was but is still enough to be annoying. I find that in colder conditions ie if it is raining or just a cold morning the shudder is a lot less than with hotter days? this is regardless of how hard the car has been driven. I am thinking with the cold weather would that indicate that the control arm bushes are softer in hotter days? I am a bit of a noob with the technical side of this issue. I did take it to a mechanic who said that the laft bearing needs changed- I have jacked the car up and have very little movement so not sure why he said this- the car is just about to hit 100k on the clock.

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  • Cruise Whore
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I had a similar issue when I first bought my car - had brake shudder. It would come on at about 80km/h which is probably why I didn't notice it much when I was inspecting the car (was too excited as most other aspects of the car met my criteria :innocent: ) Now it's been a while but I think I put on new rotors and pads. That reduced the shudder a little. Then I had the front wheels balanced and that got rid of the shudder (from memory I think that was the order). So try a balance - it's probably only gonna cost you something like between $25-$35 but well spent in my case :beerchug:

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I had a problem like that and it was the ABS sensors dirty, and at high speed one wheel was tryiny to slow down,cleaned them and all ok since...JK 47

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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

Thanks for the responses- Yeah sorry about the typo "Laft bearing" lol I didn't really drive the car too much I did get an inspection through state roads which cost me a bit to try and prevent these sorts of issues which are annoying me at the moment. I only drive this car the weekends as I have a 2011 Mondeo so it is my toy- (I can't deal with not having a car I can spend time tinkering with) The car cosmetically is in great condition inside and out so if I have to spend a little getting it 100% then so be it. I had a quote for 2 x new bearings, 1 x engine mount, control arm bushings $1350 thought not bad but $550 labour so I think I will slowly work on the car with my mate and see how I go.

I guess the unknown is the Turbo/ Waste gate issue- I am hoping this isn't a big problem- My partner likes that it doesn't boost hard so I don't speed too much I agree to make her happy but really want to boost as hard as possible when she isn't in the car :)

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