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Boost Issue And Braking, Steering Shudder


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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

Hello All

I need help. Just got a 2003 xr6t with 98k on clock. Driving around 40km distance was fine, ht boost a few times nothing crazy. About 2km from home gave it a good stab and then when turning into driveway the car shuddered badly (Through engine bay, not braking) and then stalled. (Please note this is an automatic). I then tried restarting and it studdered and turned over a few times before starting. I then drove car about 3km was fine then stabbed it again and the thing shuddered and stalled again. This time wouldn't start- I tried a few times just wouldn't start, then left sitting for 5 mins and it started again. I have noticed now in normal mode the car does't change up and hits rev limiter in third, when driving no issues only when giving it heaps?

Any ideas would be much appreciated. I am thinking either fuel pump or computer issue. Is there anything else that it could be. normal driving fine- boosting car hard and it doesn't like it.

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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

I am not sure what boost it is running. I had a look around and have noticed that it has a chip torque exede computer controller also. Possibly something to do with that? The previous owner said that he had changed valve springs? If not what sort of cost am I looking at? I have a mate who works at envy dyno tuners so I will try and get the car on the dyno this week. I just don't really want to spend too much money atm.

Any advise is appreciated

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I had a quick look on their website and they seem a bit.....limited. Maybe it's just that I don't understand them properly but they don't seem very common.

You may find it hard to get someone to tune it with that. Personally I would go with one of the mainstream tuning systems in-case that's the problem and it's difficult to diagnose.

Alternatively there may be someone on here with knowledge of those that can help.

Have you tried removing it assuming the injectors are standard, to see if it's the problem?

I was just reading they are hard wired and you can purchase a bypass plug for $66 to disable it.

Edited by riptide
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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

Thanks for your reply. I haven't tried bypassing it yet. I will wait and find out if the Envy tunehouse can do anything. I am not really fussed with pushing the car- If it was to standard and had no issues wouldn't be too upset. I will keep you posted. Just came back from another drive and if I put foot flat it is still really laggy- if I gradually accelerate no issues seems to keep pulling and boosting.

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  • Member For: 12y 10m 18d

I am taking mine to mechanic tomorrow. From further info I have I believe that it could be a valve issue- as per a previous post also. WIll find out what the go is soon. I have a 2011 mondeo I usually drive for work so don't drive the xr6t- however cannot deal with a car not running properly.

First focus is the brake problem- getting slotted rotors and bendix brakes to get rid of the brake shudder problem.

Getting back to car issue I have a gut feel that there may be a leaking hose somewhere under pressure?

Will let u know

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if one clamp and hose were loose, I would be checking them all (im guessing u have already though). My throttle body hose was loose one time and it had issues on boost and starting. Gotta love these cars! Its endless lol

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