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Transplanting Turbo F6 Engine To Ford Transit Build Thread

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It is actually Conrad, but I use "conrod" on forums:)

Story was, the owner left a country pub in a fairly intoxicated state, dragging his wife out by the hair. Raced down the road, didn't make the first corner, fired it off into a paddock and rolled it into the ball you see here. She was thrown 30m from the car (neither wearing seatbelts) but both survived. I guess you can't fix stupid!

I have pulled the engine out, as well as rad, intercooler, exhaust, propshaft, ECU, shifter etc. Sold the rest to recover some of the cost. Engine appears mint, broken LH engine mount and gearbox mount, but no damage to the engine or ancilliaries. I want to run the original ECU, which I think will be the only way to retain the ZF.

So back to the original question, can anyone help with a copy of the FG wiring diagrams please?

Has anyone here managed to reprogram the standard ECU to work as a standalone ECU? It is probably the only way I will be able to retain the ZF trans, and as it is a very good system anyway I do not want to convert to Motec or similar for no real gain and a lot of expense.


Edited by Dagabond
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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It's been done many time with B Series Engines and Trans mission swaps.

I can't comment on a FG (but I wouldn't expect there would be much more to it) the B series needs the Passive Anti Theft System (PATS) disabled and if you want to run a cable throttle it needs ETC disabled.

Any competent tuner should be able to sort it out for you.

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Thanks for the reply. I will continue to run the electronic throttle. I have spoken to a tuner here (I am in NZ) who thinks it should be possible by writing some new code for the ECU, but he hasn't done this before. So I guess just looking for others experience with this type of conversion, and I suppose some reassurance that it is actually do-able. I will post my findings here:)

cheers Conrad

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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No need to write need code. The changes I'm referring to above can be carried out with both SCT and HPT.

In this case you may be better off using HPT as you wont need to purchase any hardware to have the settings adjusted. The tune should be able to carry out a simple reflash.

If not, whip the PCM off and send it to one of the more reputable tuners over here (Mick from Pitlane) for example and have them set it up.

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Thanks Ralph,

I have spoken to Paul Isaac at IPV here in NZ, and he was very helpful. He is confident that we can get the FG ECU to run as a standalone with a simple reflash.

I have asked a few questions regarding different aspects of this conversion in different places on this forum. As there seems to be a bit of interest in what I am trying to achieve, I will keep posting updates (it keeps me motivated too!) on this conversion here:

cheers Conrad

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Time has been scarce lately, but finally spent a few hours on the old bus this weekend. I put the engine in position, supported by blocks of wood, and after moving it many many times I finally have it in a position I am happy with. I have had to swap the sump pan for one from an earlier model Falcon (BA) which has the bowl at the front, as mine came with a rear bowl sump pan. But this did not present any real problems, my block even has the front dipstick position in the block with a bung fitted :) I did a check against my Mk2 (which is fitted with a Pinto 2.0) and the crankshaft centreline is 130mm LOWER on the 6 cylinder installation than the Mk2/Pinto :oooh: The front axle and steering drag link will clear the sump pan on full bump compression, and the trans is fairly tight underneath, but overall it should work okay. A few pics as always. I have drawn up the trans mounts, and will get those laser cut next week, and also begin work on an engine crossmember, to which I will attach the engine mounts.







Edited by conrod
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  • Member For: 13y 3m 27d

This is brilliant mate!! Keep it up!

The F6 didnt look too happy. How do people even get themselves into situations like that... Hope the guys was ok!

I think the owner/driver was okay, but was arrested and charged with drunk driving. His wife wasn't so lucky, she was not wearing a seatbelt and was fired 30 metres from the car through the windscreen, and was lucky to survive. I feel sorry for the police, ambo's and fire service who have to clean up these types of mess when people do stupid things.

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