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  • Member For: 12y 8m 13d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: WA

Hey guys,

I'm having trouble with my car (03 BA XR6 N/A).

Almost every time I turn sharply at very low speeds (under 15kmph) it makes like a rubbing or shuddering type thing, the car shakes. I don't really know how to explain it really as it's a bit odd.

It's always happened but very rarely until today, now it does it near on every time.

I've just had my discs machined today if that counts for anything.

Does anyone have an idea of what this may be or have had it happen to them?

I can record it if you request.

Please help,


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  • Member For: 12y 8m 13d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: WA

Thanks mate I'll give it a go and reply results.

Does the car need to be on while I do it?

I now realize how stupid that was ^^^

Also I followed this.

all you have to do is:

1. open the bonet

2. start the car up

3. take the p/steering cap off then screw it back on

4. turn the wheel lock right then lock left then centre it

5. unscrew the p/steering cap, it should make a hissing noise, then screw it back on

6. repeat steps 4 & 5 about 3-4 times then it should be alright.

what I normally do before I jack up a b series is open the p/steering cap and leave it off. when they get an air lock they do the shuddering.

some b series cars will do it if you go over a speed hump and then turn the wheel at low speeds........go figure!

And it did nothing?

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