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Youngen' Seeking Advice


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I've recently got a 2011 Ford xr6 FG and done a bit of research into upgrades for the car .

I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice on Exhaust systems and roughly how much it would cost im not looking to spend too much. If anyone could give me their opinion about the following it would be much appreciated.


I very much like the look of the system there, but never got a straight answer of how much installation would cost with the product any ideas?

And after scouring the internet I stumbled across this which , is ideally what I want mind to sound like

But the guy said that through his experience and testing that the 3" ended up sounding the best of anything he had tried? Again any opinions/recommendations?.

Finally my major concern is to do with the dashboard warning light. Apparently as im sure you will know the dash light indication can pop up and I have heard that while modifying things this can happen. Does anyone know if this is likely to happen when fitting a new exhaust system? And if so how do you fix it ?

Sorry for being such a newbie guys !

Regards Mitch

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Hey mate It may depend on whether you just want a note or you want to get some power out of the exhaust too?

Because if you just want a note, you can get a redback or xforce catback. redback goes for $350 on ebay and the xforce is about $550 (but in stainless). I got quoted $700 for the redback system fitted so if you can do it yourself go for it cause its just a simple bolt on system. Too make it even louder you can remove the middle muffler and go with straight pipes but I would get the catback first and if its not loud enough then modify.

However if you want power then you should look at Pacemaker 4490 or 4495 extractors,a high flow cat and then the catback. You can buy this whole system I found on ebay for $1200 which has all the good bits and should give you a decent note and power http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/FORD-FALCON-BA-XR6-PACEMAKER-EXTRACTORS-HIGH-FLOW-CAT-REDBACK-2-5-EXHAUST-/150765217951?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item231a4ea89f#ht_2466wt_1168

The full system is better if your going after power and probably worth getting a tune with to really max out the power gains, but obviously you need to pay a bit more for it.

So I guess its up to you, cheap and just the note or spend a bit more and get a nicer note with power gains aswell.

And if you check out the description of the video you posted you'll see he's running a full system with pacemakers etc so I guess that full system off ebay for $1200 is pretty much what you want sound wise.

Heres some other clips with the same system on a BA and BF - not that there should be much difference with the FG


Hope that helps!

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Glad ya posted here as well mate, Paccie 4500's will be the go and a Custom tune straight up to get rid of the engine light after you fit the 100 cell cat :)

Forget other mods for the moment other than an underdrive, a tune IS expensive but once the Torque tags are removed the car feels as if its picked up 50hp .. everytime ya stab the pedal HTH

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:cleanhouse: Posts removed...

The next person who posts something suggesting the OP get rid of the car and buy a XR6T (or something to that effect) will be suspended. I'm sick of seeing every one of these threads turn into a NA bashing when all these guys want is a bit of help.

I'm sure the guys with NA's were well and truly aware of the T's existence when they made their purchase and they don't need people constantly telling them they brought the wrong car.

Please don't bother posting if f you can't offer any useful suggestions for the car the OP owns.

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Thanks so much for all your help mate you've been such a help with everything :) .

With the Pacemaker 4490 or 4495 extractors,a high flow cat and then the catback. You can buy this whole system I found on ebay for $1200 which has all the good bits and should give you a decent note and power

Firstly which would you recommend? the pacemaker 4490 or 4495 extractors (what are the differences ) . And I was thinking of going with the whole Xforce system with the cat and catback with a quad 2.5" exhaust system or if that's too expensive sticking to the standard system. Was thinking that if I buy the whole system new from a shop around me I would receive cheaper installation costs and better deal then bringing the Ebay version to them (self installation isn't really an option)

Any ideas how much I should be asking for I was thinking around the $1500 mark fitted based upon that ebay package being $1200 ? (my father said he would go 50/50 with me :) ) so money became a little bit easier

Thanks again guys you have been so much help

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:cleanhouse: Posts removed...

The next person who posts something suggesting the OP get rid of the car and by a XR6T (or something to that effect) will be suspended. I'm sick of seeing every one of these threads turn into a NA bashing when all these guys want is a bit of help.

I'm sure the guys with NA's were well and truly aware of the T's existence when they made their purchase and they don't need people constantly telling them they brought the wrong car.

Please don't bother posting if f you can't offer any useful suggestions for the car the OP owns.

This x1000.

Op $200 fitted Is normal. So 1400, may be 1500 since there not supplying it.

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As Henz said yea $1500 should be around about right for a full system. The Quad system might cost you a little more and seeing as the FG in your video isn't quad Id say you can get what you want without spending the extra cash.

As for the extractors, I think the 4490's are slightly cheaper and offer a bit more mid range power and the 4495's offer more top end. 4490's are probably the go!

Know that you have a bit of an idea I would go to your local exhaust shop (or more than one to get the most competitive price) and talk to them pricing etc. Ive found it always helps getting a good deal when you can show a mechanic or tradie you know what your talking about!

So walk in, tell him you want a full exhaust with Pacemaker 4490's, a 100 cell cat (what brands do you sell/recommend) and the redback catback system and find out what's the best deal he can do :biggrin: !

Then you should maybe look into some of the tuners in your area and see what they recommend you also getting before getting a tune because you want to have everything done before tuning cause its a relatively expensive mod. Theres a few guys upwards of 200rwkw out of NA FG's in the NA forum, check out their build threads and maybe PM for any help


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Gone ahead with everything and started getting quotes waiting for the places to ring me tomorrow , I went the quad back Xforce exhaust high flow cat. The pacemaker headers and everything hoping to be around the $1500 mark and I'll bargain around with them. Will be uploading before and after photos :) Thanks heaps for the help guys !!!

Also any ideas how much the Flash Tune will cost ?? And any good ones around sydney ?

Cheers mitch

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Sounds good mate, hope you get it sounding how you want!

For the turbo's its about $1500 for the xcal3 and tune so I'd say you'd be looking at the same (that's why its worth doing all your mods before the tune). From what ic read CV performance and Tunehouse are awesome with turbo's so maybe the same with NA's? Not from Sydney,just going off what I read on here

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