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Stripping Paint Off Wheels And Performance Gains Noticed!


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I brought a set of 18s I got of a mate cheap in black,was not a fan of the dodgeeee black paint job. So I decided to strip the paint off and getting them polished, got tyres and threw them back on car, well low and behold on my first drive with them I swore my car accelerated a lot quicker to 100kph. So I came to the conclusion the paint stripping off the wheels saved weight which in turn made wheels lighter, in turn transformed car. Highly recommend doing this if chasing qtr mile times.

I am also looking at stripping paint and other odds and ends of car to help it perform better without spending money on a tune to get it to go.

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Paint = drag

Polished = faster qtr mile times.

You be surprised how much part wheels play.

I noticed for few weeks once my avg fuel economy was bout 2km better than usual.

Then I noticed I was missing a wheel nut. Replaced wheel nut and economy went to sh*t again.

Edited by STAINOnegger
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Looking at taking the plastic tub in the ute and sports bars now as the extra weight must be effecting performance, also I could see how the wheel nuts would effect it as each one must weigh a good 30 to 40 grams, so x2 that's close to 80 grams in weight saving.

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Weight savings + real gain. Try these helpfull pointers.

Empty your interior of everything. Even your service manual is adding upto .05% to your fuel use.

Inflate your tyres to over 100psi. Takes some balls but equals gains.

Polish everything you possibly can. Inside and out.

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What about the thing driving it...

If the driver wore light weight clothing, went for a jog or even a dump before driving, up to .5 sec quicker to 100km/h

Edited by MiKa
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  • You've changed man....
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That 80gms on a wheel is like 100kg in tub when it comes to getting wheels turning fast enough to move our heavy cars.

Same theory sort of when coming to surface finish ond air friction.

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Guys, I have noticed that using wipers on the freeway affects the cars aerodynamics. When wipers are on the way down they seem to be pushing against the air trying to mover over the windscreen and the car slightly drops in speed. then, when the wipers are on their way up the cars speed slightly increases.

Maybe if we modify the wipers to rotate instead of move up and down then we can see quite a significant increase in acceleration and better fuel economy

Slightly off topic here but I think it is useful info if you dont want to get a tune.

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This is why I am always changing wheels...

We run my car in the back physics lab and test for wheel wind resistance... Usually setting the tunnel wind speed to 80km/h...

We have noticed the different between dishes and concave wheels... Especially when they are dirty and clean...

Surprisingly we found that polished stock 17 inch BF wheels give the least wind resistance and therefore greater take off / acceleration...

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