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Battery Relocation

Evil XR6T

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Hey guys,

I've read a few posts about battery relocation to the boot in BA/BF's, but has anyone just relocated it to the other side of the engine bay? I'm going to give it a shot, but was after any tips from people who have already done it. I will post pics of the build when I get around to it, but still in the planning stage right now, any help would be great.

Cheers !!!

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 5m 23d
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Cheers man. Not too concerned about the electrical stuff as I'm an electrician, just worried about the fitment and curious to see what others have done. My boot is already filled so I can't really take it to there. I'm thinking of customing a bracket that bolts into the stock air filter place and wondering if anyone else has attempted this.

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 8d
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Plazmaman have a kit but I think it is only for the FG? The problem you have with the B series turbos is that when stepping up to a bigger IC the intake piping to throttle body comes out under the passenger headlight and goes right where the battery is!

Nizpro have done it but they use an odyssey battery plus there IC exits at the top unlike the rest of the manufacturers plus they use there intake plenum which helps to miss the standard air intake area...

PW have a part that relocates the throttle body and passes roughly the same direction as the Nizpro intake so that may be worth looking at!

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Yeah u can put the standard battery on the passenger side I just screwed the black box that the battery sits in down and put it back and made up a strap to hold it down

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  • Member For: 15y 1m 22d
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Pretty sure full size has been done to other side, only issue you can run into is piping coldside up there as well is bit tight.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 5m 23d
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  • Location: Townsville

Sweet, good to know other people have done it too. A few pics if you got'em FINNEY would be great. I was looking at the nizpro kit, but wanted a full sized battery. I was thinking of going with the plazmaman stage 1 kit which wont worry me with the battery, but I might try to make it so it still fits with the process west throttle relocation kit too. I wanna go 4 inch race box intake for better flow and that sweet sweet turbo noise, so one way or another, the battery has gotta go !!!

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