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Seems A Lot Of Very Clever Advice On Here...wanna Try This Doozie?


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yep, a rodent. just not sure if I swap an icc from another car if that will work and demonstrate if the problem is within the icc or will it not work anyhow from a different car?

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Holy crap! He has to have chewed some wiring... Pull the dash out and have a look

the dash? or the icc? fault is that the radio and a/c controls are doing strange things. steering wheel controls function as in the volume and stations change and scan from the steering wheel but the display is all crazy. do u think there may be a dash problem? we removed the icc, and checked it out. there is nothing obvious, no evidence of the mouse anywhere on the icc..... opened the covers and looked inside the radio etc but no corrosion, wee etc. I guess my main question now is if anyone knows if I can swap another icc from our other car to prove if its the icc or other wiring? Not sure if this would be compatible without ford programming it? If that makes sense... ie if the exchanged icc wont work in a different car anyhow, then it wouldnt be able to prove our point. I also wouldnt want to have to get ford to program it then program both of them again when I swap them back... just not too sure about that, so it would be good if anyone can advise. Again, thanks for all the input.

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Pull the ICC first and check the main wiring loom connected to it before trying to swap the ICC over, but to get the new ICC working you need to swap the very top white box and the very bottom one as well, this should allow the new ICC to work without reprogramming from ford. Done this a couple of times and each time has worked for me

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  • Turboless
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Agree with bionic. Pulling the icc out won't give you an idea on how the looms are behind the dash where the mouse could've accessed. Pita of a job but wouldn't be surprised if wiring back there has been used for lunch

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Is it faster without all that rubbish?

yep, I guess this is the true definition of a 'ratrod'!!

Agree with bionic. Pulling the icc out won't give you an idea on how the looms are behind the dash where the mouse could've accessed. Pita of a job but wouldn't be surprised if wiring back there has been used for lunch

ok here goes, out comes the speedo...this should be much easier than pulling the icc nothing chewed behind the icc though

Theres a number of looms that run behind the dash it couldve chewed, only accesible by removing the dash, its easy to pull out

ok will do today, thnks

Pull the ICC first and check the main wiring loom connected to it before trying to swap the ICC over, but to get the new ICC working you need to swap the very top white box and the very bottom one as well, this should allow the new ICC to work without reprogramming from ford. Done this a couple of times and each time has worked for me

have checked the wiring loom down the bottom where the 4 connectors are. all looks untouched. there are differing opinions on whether changing the icc will need to be reprogrammed by ford... if you think this will be ok by swapping the two modules ill give it a go. any others have experience with this? im trying to avoid having two icc's which dont work in the 2 cars

thanks again

Fck me!

You can swap the ICC but will need to get it re-programmed before the car will run and the ICC will work.

have you heard some opinions on here that you can swap the two modules and then the icc should be swappable and therefore prove it working or not.


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I thought I should mention for any future readers of this thread, that ive been warned about turning the ICC upside down (or even on a great angle). Take great care when removing this...if you drop it or invert it, apparently you need to throw it away because of the rollover sensor inside which will blow the electrics when re-installed (rollover safety feature). There is a sticker on the ICC from Ford, saying discard if dropped, but you dont notice that sticker until you have it removed and by then you may have turned it over. WARNING.

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