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  • I <3 Floods
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So according to the news Victoria is now trying to jump on the resources boom and is opening up a heap of crown land for mineral exploration.

You might be set there Shy, usually the companies have to agree to a certain amount of training of the locals..

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Be prepared guys and gals if you want to embark on this journey..

Here is a personal experience of a day at the MAC camp through my eyes , please understand this is my personal view only.

Others may adjust just fine to this lifestyle ?

4am: Wake up time, turn on the lights/shower/ brush teeth and get dressed..

4.30am: Head to the mess, walk through the cigarette smoke of everyone standing outside the front doors,swipe in and go select what I want for breakfast and lunch.

4.45am: I go sit by myself but that doesn't last for long ..Probably overhearing a dozen people bitching about the job now while trying to drink my coffee.

5am: Head to the rotunda where everyone is standing around smoking and undertake a breath test, this happens every morning before I get on the bus and as soon as we get to site and swipe in...

5.10am: Hop on the bus and head straight for the back and hope no-one sits next to me.. start panicking about doing a good job today as many others want to jump on my machine.

6.00am: Arrive at Daunia and proceed to swipe in with my ID tag if I pull a red marble out of the bag I will be drug tested and then go make a coffee in the cribroom.

I Try to stay away from all the back stabbing that seems to be a way of life for these people.

6.05am: We have a pre-start safety meeting and discuss the task ahead and any changes/dangers..

*Now I go do my job, fill out start cards /have smoko/have lunch/ fill in my timesheets and any incident reports and maybe we even had a toolbox meeting today*

4.15pm: Swipe out and head for the bus where everybody is standing around smoking.

As usual I am the last one to park up and they are probably talking about me sucking up to the boss ?

Maybe that's why I am driving the BIGGEST machine on site and they are holding the lollipop sign out in the stinking sun all day ??

4.25pm: I get on the bus, it stinks and the 60 other blokes that have been sweating all day don't help things either...

5pm: Arrive back at MAC Camp, walk straight to the mess through the smokers and pack tomorrows lunch.

I don't eat tea anymore as I am trying to lose weight, plus the variety is great but it ain't home cooking!

I head through the security door to the HUB and have a cold beer... or two smile.gif usually by myself ...

6.30pm: I walk back to my room with a 6 pack it's still 30+ degrees, walk past my neighbours smoking out front of their units (I seriously hate these people) they talk all night (well till 10pm anyway) and I go to bed at 8!!

7.30pm: I Skype my girl on the Gold Coast and hope her talking drowns out the whinging of the bunch outside and the sound of their empty bottles and cans hitting the bin .

8.30pm: I leave my media player on my pc going so my music will put me to sleep, who am I kidding I will be up at 12/1.30/2.15 and probably 3 something as well thanks to the aircon that shakes the walls and the fridge that sounds like it is possessed.

9pm: I am probably asleep by now dreaming about what I am missing out on back home, craving a relaxing bath, a cuddle and someone who will actually listen to my complaints for a change.

I will be concerned over how long the project will last, how long till I fly home again, whether I am going to get lung cancer from these ignorant smokers and whether that brunette from Goldings actually meant anything when she smiled at me at breakfast?

If it rains, I will be soaking wet walking to the bus and then the aircon will give me hypothermia, oh well now I am whinging lol...

Thanks for reading, if you don't have an issue with smoking , ignorant people, stinky/bumpy/repetitive bus travel, getting up at 4am in the dark,seeing the same faces 14hrs a day, getting jsa's and sop's jammed down your throat and constant inductions, flying in and out, not being able to get in a car and take a drive somewhere/anywhere... you will probably like it up here...

In 22 weeks I have already saved $30000 so there are some obvious benefits to the isolation... but this is not a long term plan for me anymore...

My relationship with Chrissie is more important than just making money ..

peace out Daz.

Edited by dazzler
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  • Pitlane Member
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Great insight daz, it is interesting to hear different perspectives on the mines.

I am not sure if it will help anyone but Rio Tinto have been advertising on the radio and have various jobs at this website: http://jobs.riotinto.com.au/

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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Wilba give Dean Humphrey a call mate, we have plenty of positions up here at Daunia if you still have current inductions and medical, Goldings want an extra physical anyway but once in even the traffic controllers are on take home $2500 a week ...

I missed this, serious? Need any more?

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Great write up Daz basically the same issues you face in any job it's just in the middle of nowhere.

So according to the news Victoria is now trying to jump on the resources boom and is opening up a heap of crown land for mineral exploration.


Not sure if its the same thing they are talking about but any kind of strip mining in such an over populated state as Vic is going to have a major struggle to get up from all the public backlash that will go on. Middle of W.A. with the closest neighbours being 20Million miles away is a little easier to get off the ground.

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  • Idiot Member
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Vicotria has coal mines. Morwell, Yallourn and Anglesea are 3 I can find info on.


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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Location: South West QLD

Dags I think they were mainly talking to CSG.. The news this morning was saying they were using QLD as an example for how not to go about public consultation with farmers.. DOn't believe they were talking about strip mining..

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I missed this, serious? Need any more?

Shoot this young lady an e-mail mate...

Renai Blake

Recruitment Advisor | Golding

Level 3, 8 Gardner Close, Milton

PO Box 1643, BC Milton, QLD 4064

Phone 3510 3400 | Fax 07 3510 3451

Email renai.blake@golding.com.au

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