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Ever Used A Car Broker/fleet Company


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  • FG Falcon fan!
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Im interested to know if ne1 has used Private Fleet or Carbroker.com.au or similar new car broking services. They buy cars in bulk on behalf of individuals to order via a sort of tender process. Id like to hear other people's experiences, pros/cons, etc.

thanx ;)

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  • Weird Member
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Living in Canberra it is probably easier to go to the Ex Gov auctions in Fyshwick.

They are all late model most still under factory warranty. Others with auction house warranty. I know several people who have done this with good results.

There are also dealers who can go to the auctions week after week and bid for the car you want at the price you want for about a gorrila if you cant be bothered with the whole thing.

I think its half the fun though, ....love car shopping. :kissmy:

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I used Mark Sacco at Fleet Capital in Sydney. Great guy $100 fee, heaps of service, $5,000 ish off RRP. He arranged everything, Brisbane dealer provided it for me.


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I used Corporate Motor Brokers in Victoria. They did everything including answering all my stupid questions. They got the 2300kg towpack on for me (when the dealers would not do it) and got me a good discount to boot.

All I have to do it pick the car up next week now..

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I used Corporate Motor Brokers in Victoria. They did everything including answering all my stupid questions. They got the 2300kg towpack on for me (when the dealers would not do it) and got me a good discount to boot.

All I have to do it pick the car up next week now..

Why would you want a 2300kg tow pack? - the T auto is only rated (warranty/insurance!) for 1600kg

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I have a boat which is bigger than the rated 1600Kg tow pack (about 1750Kg-1800Kg). Warranty/Insurance are happy as long as it is a "Factory Fitted" towbar, which it is, it is the Ford genuine one, not a Hayman Reese etc.

I was told the only reason it is not an option on the T in the first place is the extra heat that the Turbo generates can cause problems with the gearbox on extended tows. This does not seem right to me, I thought the extra torque would be a bigger problem myself.

But the boat is only marginally over it's "rated" limit, and I only have to tow it about 2-3km over largely flat roads. The NA version has the higher rated limit, but is almost identical (except for the obvious higher engine output) so I figure the rest of the car is fine with the extra weight.

What can I say I HAD to have the T and I HAD to be able to tow my boat. <_< If I do ever have to take it on a longer trip (very doubtful), I would look at putting a transmission oil cooler on anyway (even on the NA).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • FG Falcon fan!
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Well I took the plunge and used Fleet Capital! :lol: My Nov 03 build XR6T Blueprint auto is due on Jan 13! ;) You pay them $100 for a quote and if you buy thru them that gets refunded. Basically youre getting a car at fleet prices from what I gather.

My car has no options at all and cost me $46,000 on road! The options I do want I can get for birthday (my 30th :ta: ) such as the factory alarm and tint. Lock nuts, mats, pollen filter will be grabbed shortly.

The reason I got no options was so that I wouldnt pay stamp duty on them and I wanted to spend as little as possible.

I also paid $20 for a Carbroker.com.au quote - very friendly guy and quoted me an even lower figure than $46k but said Id have to wait 2-8wks (and probably get caught by price rise I reckon). I might use this mob next time. :ta:

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  • Team Blueprint
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I used Fleet Capitol as well. Darren White is very good and helpful, the only problem was the dealer couldn't supply till Feb.

SO I rang a few places and Got all my options, etc on road (bizz rego) for $46,969.48

And best of all I pick it up in a week!

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