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Changing 11.8 To Standard Acuator

jasons xr6 t

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you know ali I cant believe you say I owe you money ? I just checked my reciept again and its fully paid ,ill post it up here so people can see it I dont care ive nothing to hide..the coils r under car yard warranty u know that so try again .. I pay everything I f*&king owe.

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Guys this bloke is totally full of sh*t he needs a fuel pump and injectors he's been told over and over again he was well aware of the charges that he was up for we never do any work on a car without letting the customer know and getting authorization.

This idiot just doesn't have the balls to tell his misses that he needs to spend more money u have the hide to sit here on a public forum and talk sh*t.After we helped you out and you and still owe money on your repairs the reason you don't want to come back because you don't want to pay your bill,your well aware of what's the problem with your car and been told many times over.

Please your not welcome to our workshop again.

My debt collection agency will contact you during the week to collect the outstanding bill.

call them ali , I paid you in full..going calling people names ,,bit childish considering I never once said sh*t about you...no I never asked for the bigger actuator or that other thing you done ,I asked what else could be done while in pieces..you mighta heard me wrong not sure but correct me if im wrong did the price go from 1500 to 3400 or something ,,did I say you did it without asking ,NO that's why I just paid you and left which caused fireworks at home ,I just didn't want to argue about it just wanted my car back running properly ,which its still not and yeah its really getting to me especially when u say all these bullsht lies about me saying you told me about the injctors and pump..

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This is the gratitude I get after saving your arse from your misses lending you money on Easter Saturday otherwise she was kicking you out of the house your just full of sh*t I should have listened to the car yard when warned me about u and your misses pain in the arse and you still owe him money, as I said I'm never cruel but I get really get ticked off when people say bullsh*t.

I won't bother reading this thread because it's making me really angry to see how much u can sit here and lie, to stage where I can kick the sh*t out of u.

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so over this sh*t ,I didnt lie to u or no one..I never said anything bad about your workshop ,you ,or your family ..that car yard did me over big time..big dud car..im over this car ,this site ,arguements the lot..yeah shes gone again from yesterday ..this car was a big diaster..look if you think I owe u something ring me ,I pay what I owe..


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Like a tennis match..

You owe me, no I paid you, no you owe me, no dealer owes you

Take the car back to the yard and get a refund if its that bad

Edited by freeze_dk
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Look Ali was right ,I did owe him. He is great bloke who did help me out..I was just listeng to my partner ..I just rang Ali and im wrong ..he has helped me out 100% and is a great guy..im wrong im saying it so everyone can read it..im not one to hide an..d say in right when im not.im sorry Ali I do take it all back ..I was just angryi never heard you say pump etc when u did.anyhow I feel like an idiot. So ill be leaving this site and selling me car cause its caused enough drama in my life..anyhow Ali my appoligies for this

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have you worked out what you will get for the car as it is and what you will replace it with? It may work out better financially and satisfying to you by getting this one sorted out correctly.

Ali has seen many of these cars and has a good reputation, if you two can sort things out and then get a plan happening for your car, then it could be cheaper than replacing it and starting all over again.

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