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My Gauge Mount Location - Thoughts?


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Ok, so not sure if I should be making a new thread for this. But Moderators can cut and paste it if they want to.

Mounting boost gauge in FPV starter location:

In this case I used a "52mm" boost gauge..

Parts/Tools required -

*Gauge & install components

*EXTRA power/earth wire


*Stanley Knife


*Drill with 2mm drill bit (anything pretty small really)

*Smallest flat head screwdriver you can find


*Half round file

*Vacuum Cleaner


*Solder iron

*Elec tape

*And last but not least - Patience!

Firsty, I got all the main work out of the way such as running the boost line through firewall and to the T piece at BOV.

Now pop off your TC/Foggy switch with your hand or a flat head driver if stubborn and find your illumination and earth wires. Mine were BROWN (Foggies) and black (TC). Feel free to do your wiring at this point if you please..

While your switches are out of the dash use a torch and your fingers to feel in behind the dash to make sure the space where the gauge is going is empty (BA/BF XR models should be clear).

Now this is your last chance to back out.....Otherwise use the rear of your gauge (not the LARGER front facia ring) and place it on the dash where you want it to sit and draw around it with a pencil/marker. If your gauge is like mine and has bolts on the rear and you cannot sit it flush to draw around - Find something around the same size. Smaller the better!

Now cut on around the INSIDE of your marked circle with a stanley knife SLOWLY & NEATLY. You don't have to push hard as there is solid plastic behind the foam. Remove the circle/foam you just cut out..

Use your drill and small drill bit to go around the circle and drill as many holes as you can through the plastic really close together.

Get a tiny flat head driver and a hammer - Punch through the plastic between holes and it should just fall out. Don't worry if it falls into dash as it falls down into drivers footwell straight away :)

NOWWW comes the messy frustrating part!

Use your half round file to file around the inside of hole until it feels smooth and continue to do so while testing your gauge every couple of mins..

You don't want to oversize your hole otherwise you've wasted your time and effort and your gauge won't sit tight and snug!

If it starts to feel like your file is rubbing on your dash vinyl too much, stop and use scissors to take extra off around the hole..Little by little - Don't get carried away.

When your Gauge feels like it's really close to going through the hole, just file that tiny bit more evenly inside hole and give it another go..

Remember you want to leave the outside vinyl a fraction smaller than the hole you're filing in the plastic so that when you do push gauge in, your front facia ring is covering the hole and looks perfect.

If you haven't wired up your gauge, do so now and when your feeding your boost line up from firewall you should keep your TC/FOGGY switch off to use that hole to help you get it up to your new gauge hole. Makes it easier :)

There is not one piece of your dash that needs removing for this install. Just the TC/FOGGY switch and your set!

Now when you're happy with your install - GET TO CLEANING lol happy vacuuming.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything and you have success if you try this install

PICTURES of finished install at top of page

Goodluck, Josh! :)

Edited by bionic_oosty
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XAH03 - Mate It was a tad nerve racking doing a hole that large in my perfect dash lol..

Cheers for the comments everyone, I'm real happy with it

And FORD FREAK - I did it today mate

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I'm a fitter by trade so I felt safer with the file lol, plus I don't own one

Can't really go wrong with a half round...

Plus with a file, you can work your way TO size without maybe being over from the start with a holesaw

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Yeah I see why you would use one with the bigger hole, mine was only 35mm so the holesaw was easy.

I did mine a few years ago no but I remember my wife sitting in the back seat saying "if you stuff that up I'm gonna cut your balls off".

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Emmmm that's one sexy hole.

Although I like the install and neatness of it, if you wanted to remove everything to sell it stock this is when youd run into a problem.

All in all you've done a great job of it and it does look good. As long as your happy it doesnt matter what others think.

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Yeah true mate, but my girlfriend would literally kill me if I tried to sell this car (I've been through a few lol)..

And with the work it's had done, it won't be a stocker ever again anyway :)

But yep, I'm digging where the gauge is the more I drive car

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