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Got My Diff Replaced Under Warranty Today, And Guess What ?


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  • Will do skids for food
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Yep, the new one is even noisier than the old one !

Can anyone say "quality control"?

Apparently no one at Ford can.

Different noise though, the last one sounded like I had mud terrain tyres on at about 70 to 110.

This one whines on decel from 70 down to about 35.

You can imagine how impressed I am.

Especially after I specifically asked if it had been road tested !

The clown who drove it must have left his earplugs in !

I will be having some words with them tomorrow morning.

9500kms and I'm in danger of falling out of love.

Edited by Boganspeed
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  • Will do skids for food
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  • Member For: 13y 3m 27d
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  • Location: Perth SOR

Yeah it's a ute.

I knew there was issues with diffs but two in a row isn't cool.

Neither is sending a deaf bloke to road test the car.

Will give the dealer a chance to redeem themselves before I name them.

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I sh*t you not I dont think for mechanics or whatever they call themselves actually check anything.

although not a diff, I had my wiper motor 'replaced' as it makes a loud clicking noise. the dealer said yep we checked it and adjusted it and its fine. I go cool. I go out and get into my ute. put the wipers on and it makes the same noise. fk me.

iv got many stories but all end in the same.

so the story is they dont check sh*t EVER. they just get the cars in and out for what they have to so they can go home at 4pm each day. and worry about any probs the next day.

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