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Job Cuts, Where The Hell Are We Headed....


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  • I <3 Floods
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Dags it's shocking.. But where I work we can't get enough staff!! The ironic part is our guys are fillin positions in the government that weren't renewed?? Go figure.. Unfortunately we don't know how long we'll be able to fill those positions so we can't give ex-government people a job.. The other sad fact is alot of the government people losing their jobs are lazy buggers who do next to nothing! In industries like mine you know people or know people who've worked with em so their re-employment chances are sh*thouse..

Don't believe me? Trust me I've been there an I still contract back a sh*tload.

Havent seen too many layoffs in private yet but I don't feel sorry for alot of the government people on the chopping block..

Edit: should read I haven't seen too many layoffs in my industry yet.. But I'm sure a few of the major players will sart trimming fat soon.

Edited by Sharp Dressed Panda
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Some really interesting points here. But the problem I believe is that Capitalism is unsustainable. As populations increase the role of Government becomes more difficult (controlling the masses). Unfortunately Governments rely to much on historic solutions to fix the current problematic situation.

Back in the 1930,s at the time of the Great depression an English Academic by the name of John Maynard Keynes developed a theoretical model called Welfare economics. The idea was that it would reduce the possibility of revolution and reduce civil unrest. The idea was that government should borrow money to build infrastructure and the like, to keep the economy stable.Which in theory would stop any future big depressions in the market place. So the economic dips could be reduced, which would reduce civil unrest. See the problem for this ideology is that its designed for Government not the people. So Government didn't have to develop long term sustainable strategies. Band aid fix I suggest. The positive aspect however was that during these times much of the public infrastructure was built (Railways, Bridges roads) for future economic progression.

We seen this (Welfare economics) when the current Labor Government presented us with stimulas packages. But the difference today, then years ago is that protectionism is no long in place. When back then, generally all the money was retained within a State. Free trade has changed this. See the stimulas packages never gave people enough money to actually do something worthwhile (such as do renovations, or buy a car). This indeed actually helped support the Chinese and Asian economies, because most people would spent at the $2 shops or the like. Although some of this money was used for The Schools program, and Insulation (and we all know how that went, I mean I don't know how many Muso/Lawyers are good at construction/estimating, but cleary Peter Garret isn't one of them). But much was just throw into the economy, which was absorbed by overseas manufacturers. I can assure you if all of the money was spent on infrastructure and reskilling we would be in a much better position today.

See the problem with Government is there to worried about revolution (as we have seen this occurring overseas), or someone having a pot shot a them. The other major area which is problematic is that its easy to spend other peoples money. The solution here is a change to the Constitution to allow for greater Public Office Accountability. That is politicians having performance targets and being accountable to uphold their promises (which is why the public elected them to office).

The current Mining boom is the only thing that is keeping our economony afloat, which is no secret. But its unsustainable, as all the good coal seems are under good fertile land. that's why its fertile, because of the minerals below it. So once you remove the coal its no longer any good, EVER. But anyway, the problem we are now facing is the likes of Brazil, and other countries that are happy to rip their coal out of the ground and sell it cheaper. So what happens then ?. All these people that are used to earning the big bucks. They have to come back to reality.

Another area that needs to be looked at when cutting jobs, is that people still have to survive, so many will turn to crime as it may be their only option. But once they are caught it costs the taxpayer $65000 a year to incarcerate them. So that's clearly not the answer either.

Anyway that's my perspective and opinion.


Edited by Impellor
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Not this time fortunately, didnt even have to do the tap on the shoulder this time round. But thats only because all my guys are currently in the warehouse as we dont have any machines running on arvo's except for 6 CNC's.

APV Automotive Components just went under, 121.

Caltex 400+

CMI didnt make it 119

Ford 440

TATA Steel 646

Darrell Lea 198

On & On it goes....


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Guest XR09
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Capatalism is a legal game of pyramids.

The great depression was a minor hickup. This round was worse financially. The after affects are still rattling the world. And far from over. This whole shabangabang has been iced over by politicians The world over.

And if they diss the U.S.... Then the U S of A calls it's debts in. Actually for most it just makes them pay the Giff in hard and not produce. They will never be able to pay the US what they owe.

Capitalism has been washed out a few times over mans time on earth. The Romans, They owned the world...and one little corner of the Med brought them down. The Persians.....Egyptions... Myans...Lao...The Spanish, French... All kings of the world for a little while.

Oh and even I like to jump on the end of the world cause mining will stop...........................rubbish but.

Mining contributes less than 8% of our national GDP...gross domestic product............ And Chinas is bying about 70% of that......

Even if China halves its buy.................... It will hurt a lot. But the avaerage Bruce isn't working the mines, or can afford a FVP.

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Another 16 blokes got the shaft from work this afternoon....

22 more to get the shaft tomorrow, going to be a different work place next week me thinks.

Anyone know somebody looking for 36 6&8Spindle Gridley Chuckers?....they're gunna be worth more in scrap metal in this climate.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Rumour mill for the QLD government (Particularly Roads and Transport) went into over drive this afternoon..

By "Rumour" I mean confirmed by very high ranking people we talk to daily but not confirming to the plebs yet.

Next Tuesday every staff who is being sacked will find out and other staff will find out where their positions are located. So if you're getting sacked or relocated you are given 3 options:

1) A one on one with your DD to complain..

2) A one on one with a counsellor to cry..

3) A group bitch session which you can sling as much crap at the DD as you want..

The result after you take either one of those 3 options.. You still get sacked..

I would say they aren't doing it very gracefully.. But.. Is there a graceful way to sack some 4000 people in one day?

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fortescue, xstrata and BMA between them have axed almost 2000 in the past two weeks

cambell newman's response

challange accepted

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  • I <3 Floods
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Haha.. I did get a chuckle with something I saw on facebook..

"7000 government employees marched on parliament house today venting their disgust at Campbell Newmans job cuts.. The government didn't collapse.. The world didn't stop turning.. Obviously we just proved that those 7000 weren't particularly important or necessary"

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fortescue, xstrata and BMA between them have axed almost 2000 in the past two weeks

cambell newman's response

challange accepted

yeah, Missus got relocated from Roy Hill camp (for those not in the know, the one in the news about Rinehart wanting to employ 1200 ppl from oversweas) to another camp cos they are moth balling it. talk is its suppose to slow right down. TBH I changed job 2wice in the GFC, not cos I got sacked, but cos I wanted to. worlds not gonna stop for any event.... just here to make the most of it and enjoy the ride. I think the worlds f*cked really. 2 many ppl, 2 many rules, 2 much planet raping (coming from some1 who has worked in timber mills(cutting down trees), mining (gold, nickel, iron ore, uranium), oil and gas (who doesnt hate the oil companys) and wind farms (do u know how many ppl hate them? "they ruin the scenery, they kill birds, the red light keeps me up at night, the sound of the blades makes me nauseas, the list goes on)).

any1 eva get into the storyline of FF7 (u know it or u dont). its like that but in real life... without the magic powers.

for those interested n global debit, check this one out


I dont understand how no1 is in the black.... how can every country be in millions/billions of debit. the would is going to financially eat itself and turn inside out..... or is the world going to one day stop everything and go "right, we are pushing the reset button on the debit (cos lets face it, money is just a number, nothing more) and we are starting again....

then after giving up on humanity and the fact the world is f*cked I turn of my brain and go back to my happy lala land place, go for a drive in my over priced car and forget everything

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