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Exhaust Now Popping On Decel Badly.


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  • Menace
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yeh it seems to be pointing at the fuel reg. abit.

They aren't too hard to swap out either I believe, probly the easiest thing to swap out actually.

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With the plugs, clean one up and compare the carbon build up with a dirty one even though they should all be replaced anyway.

With the cat, you will need to take it off and look through. Failed cat doesn't always mean falling apart inside. If its an aftermarket high flow cat it's usually easy to identify the problem by just looking inside.

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I would be a little careful and check everything properly. You don't want to do any damage. Don't like the sound of the feeling like you hit a wall.

If the Paulie's suggestions don't fix it you might want to see a tuner or mechanic.

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without an adjustable fpr, I dont see how you wouldnt need a retune ? an 044 is going to raise fuel pressure and without changing milliseconds on the injectors its gonna pop and run rich.

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??? The fuel pressure remains exactly the same as before the surge tank was installed providing the reg is workin properly.... The only way the plugs would foul is if the reg is sticking causing excessive fuel pressure and richer mixtures....

Even then if its in closed loop the pcm will pull fuel out to compensate, to a point...

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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sorry mate im not calling u stupid or anything :) but the rail pressure is going to increase with a bosch 044 at 14v. did you measure your rail pressure b4 and after the install ? if you did u 4 sure would have seen an increase. its not an adjustable fpr, so u cant wind down the fuel pressure to what it was b4. the pcm cant take out fuel if its running rich as its a rising rate.

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A fuel pressure regulator doesnt need to be adjustable for it to compensate for increased flow from an 044, its not a fixed oriface its spring loaded... You may see miniscule pressure variance but nothing that will make the afrs change, also the pcm can easily take fuel out via injector duty cycle, rising rate reg has nothing to do with it

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