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Looking To Buy A Bf F6 - A Little Scared, Always Loved Fords..


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hi gents

have decided to finally take the plunge and am now looking to get my first Ford. having come from a 190rwkw S15 with minor bolts on, im still learning about the 4.0 Barra beast engine and I gotta say this forum is awesome. for the past week ive been reading topic after topic in my quest to learn as much as I can about the mighty F6 and all its pros and cons. in otherwords im a still noob but have already picked up so much from this forum.

I do have a few questions which I hope can be answered, I guess im looking for some guidance on what to look for and what to avoid, tips, pointers etc

1) how many kms typically until the 4.0 Barra starts to see niggling problems? does it really matter if the engine has done more than 150,000 km so long as it has been serviced correctly ? or does it depend on whether the engine has been molested or not?

2) am I better of to buy something with some bolt ons already,or would you go for unmodified? full exhaust + tune is good enough for me.. ive come across the following Phoon on car sales... what do you guys think of it? 334rwkw.


3) is there any tips and pointers you can give me when I inspect the F6 and the 4.0 barra engine...

any help and advise would be appreciated guys, I just have my heart set on a F6 and really cant wait to start driving it but dont want to get carried away make an impulse buy.


Edited by Black_S15
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I'd definitely be looking for one with a good service history first and foremost. I saw that f6 on carsales but was turned off by it being tuned by envy. Pm me if u want cos I dont want to rag on them on a public forum but have heard some shocker stories about them, they do have the quickest ba though...

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if it has high k's then make sure the turbo oil feed line has been replaced.

What's your budget - remember to allow for a few lil things like full fluid and filter change after you have bought the car

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The factory oil feed line gets blocked if the car hasn't had regular oil changes and starves the turbo of oil. A lot of people on this forum have had to replace turbos for this reason.

Most replace the factory line with a braided line which comes with a filter 3 or 4 times the size. If you find a car you like make sure it has had regular oil changes and if it has the factory line you will need to check the turbo.

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The turbo's seem to last around 100,000k's if the turbo oil filter near the block hasn't been replaced or removed. Also using the low quality oil may contribute to coking up of the oil supply line near the exhaust manifold where it gets hot and can block up completely.

One option is to use an after-market oil line with in-line filter.

Personally I see no problem with the standard line as long as the filter is replaced regularly and quality oil is used. A heat shield tube could also be added to the pipe.

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Is there a specific part for this oil line and where can you get it. I was going to get the filter replaced but our local Ford was out of stock. I'm sure it was mentioned on here they were about $60 but my mechanic was quoted $100 from Ford.

Sorry for moving slightly off topic.

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Best advice I can offer is to get the car checked over thoroughly by a service guy you trust.....or even get an NRMA inspection.

The F6 Typhoon is one of the best sports sedans ever built in Australia and theres plenty out there to choose from....

Try and find the best, unmodified, low klm example you can within your budget and check its history.

Welcome to the site mate....as youve discovered, there's no shortage of info here about these cars......good hunting :)

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if it has high k's then make sure the turbo oil feed line has been replaced. What's your budget - remember to allow for a few lil things like full fluid and filter change after you have bought the car

budget will be around the 27k mark (not including insurance)

Best advice I can offer is to get the car checked over thoroughly by a service guy you trust.....or even get an NRMA inspection. The F6 Typhoon is one of the best sports sedans ever built in Australia and theres plenty out there to choose from.... Try and find the best, unmodified, low klm example you can within your budget and check its history. Welcome to the site mate....as youve discovered, there's no shortage of info here about these cars......good hunting :)

thanks mate, service history is really my main priority... id love to to get one with 1 mature owner.

on another note guys, 90% of the BF F6's on carsales are NOT in sydney?? they are all way past Woolongong or on the other end of the coast way past Newcastle or in country areas. wont let that deter me though..

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