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Differnce Between United E85 And Drum E85?

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Want to get my car on E85 was going to buy a 205L drum but noticed the local United servo in Patterson lakes has E85 and its also cheaper to buy. Just want to know if there are any differences between the 2?

I just ordered a E85 tester should arrive in a week from the USA so will be checking the quality of E85 at Patterson lakes but I read somewhere that there are 2 batches a summer batch and a winter batch is this true?

If there are 2 different batches then might be best to get it by the drum if so what’s the storage life of this stuff in the correct drum?

As you can tell I don’t know a great deal about this stuff so all info would be helpful

Cheers, Niko

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storage life is not good. the elements will separate if not used relitively quickly.

I think the quality of drums is better, but the good thing is e85 is very forgiving with a tune. even if tuned for drum e85, with united 'lower' quality it is very unlikely to detonate/ ping. unless you have tuned it to the edge with timing, high injector duty cycle...

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I think united it pretty consistent with there e85. I rang about ordering a drum of e85, they told me if the drum is sealed then it'll last up to 3 months but as soon as you crack the seal you have a month to finish it. Out of all the petrol stations that sell e85 me personally will stick with united,

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I was quoted the other day $400 for a 44 gal drum of Sucrogen E85.

Have noticed at the Caltex servos that the Eflex pump states from 70-85% ethenol which indicates to me they adjust the blend.


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United E85 is very consistant and they dont have winter and summer blends so its alway pretty much the same. Whereas the caltex eflex is all over the shop.

Ive recently got mine tuned on E85 and tested fuels at 2 united stations and both have been spot on 85%

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I tested various united service stations when I was on 85 and never had one vary even a little bit.

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I prefer to buy in 20 ltr drums...its easier to transport, the only thing you pay is $15 per drum , but that is refundable. I will be running up on the dyno using United E85 and see the differences between the 2, whilst using my cheetah drum e85 tune.

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