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Xr6T Diy Day


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  • Cruise Whore
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:roflmbo: well, for me anyway, it's having a bit of independence and being able to do it myself and not having to pay for someone to do it for me. Ford have been fantastic and made things able to be serviced - so it's great being able to take advantage of that forethought in design. Saving some money is a good thing also cos cost of labour is so high - yep - I don't mind taking 4 times as long sometimes to do something a trained mechanic could easily do. Because, there's also an element of satisfaction - can't tell you how good it felt to be able to buy my own high Kelvin headlight globes from eBay after researching them on the Internet and then install them myself. Had Dilz and _Velocity_ comment positively on them on cruises and I see there have been currently 264 downloads of the PDF tutorial I did on how to change the globes :spoton:

So, I'm not saying mechanics are dodgy - you get some really good ones and you get some people who are - well - meh :nono: I'd always pay to get it done right if its really critical and make sure I research who to take it to - like getting an edit for my car :thumbsup: But something like cleaning my own K&N filter - that's something I take pride in doing and knowing my engine was running fine on a cruise cos of it :beerchug:

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I'd be interested in this..

Tried this ages ago, the plan was to show everybody how to remove the bov to make it flutter, I was one of 3 ppl that showed up lol.. We did it at a bunnings..

And it was easy as to do. The drive through the Black Spur after it was the best part of that day!!!

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Ford have been fantastic and made things able to be serviced


Except for the spark plugs! If you haven't done this before don't assume they are near the exhaust like older cars! :lookaround:

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I was thinking one of the big warehouses somewhere in Melbourne industrial area - just wondering if someone has some spare space there they could donate out for maybe 4 hours. We'd have electricity there as well for spot lights and any tools - if it was needed. Surely there are some members on here who would have something like that :thumbsup:

Using a public space like a carpark of a shopping centre or Bunnings not to my liking at this stage - especially if we will have quite a few cars there for several hours a few tough looking fellas and gals milling around :roflmbo: Using someone's private space means we have more control over who enters etc. I.e. Impellor's half joke about having Tracey come over :nono:

Hey MiKa, if I'd known, I'd probably would have come along to that one :roflmbo:

I know Carrabean Scoresby has a few big undercover sheds with electricity but will need to get the ok. Thought I'd throw it up as security is tight and on the ball wouldn't want it to bite us in the but cause of one idiot.

My two bobs worth.

Edited by nick d
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Could make a tutorial video, sell it for the forum. Not too expensive. Say $10 or something and the money goes to the forum :) So all the guys who join up just for the video (if it was made free to view on the net) and leech it and not donate!

I'd be happy to pay for this no probs whatsoever.

Sorry shy but the only way you would get me to donate is by bringing the VOT thread back.

Probably will get banned now. haha


:roflmbo: well, for me anyway, it's having a bit of independence and being able to do it myself and not having to pay for someone to do it for me. Ford have been fantastic and made things able to be serviced - so it's great being able to take advantage of that forethought in design. Saving some money is a good thing also cos cost of labour is so high - yep - I don't mind taking 4 times as long sometimes to do something a trained mechanic could easily do. Because, there's also an element of satisfaction - can't tell you how good it felt to be able to buy my own high Kelvin headlight globes from eBay after researching them on the Internet and then install them myself. Had Dilz and _Velocity_ comment positively on them on cruises and I see there have been currently 264 downloads of the PDF tutorial I did on how to change the globes :spoton:

So, I'm not saying mechanics are dodgy - you get some really good ones and you get some people who are - well - meh :nono: I'd always pay to get it done right if its really critical and make sure I research who to take it to - like getting an edit for my car :thumbsup: But something like cleaning my own K&N filter - that's something I take pride in doing and knowing my engine was running fine on a cruise cos of it :beerchug:

I'm the same (taking 4 times as long also, lol) with my cars I'd would prefer to do it all myself as at $105hr it's way to steep for me, especially some of the work they do like general servicing it can be a rip off like when they have written on the print out sheet saying air filter cleaned yet that cant even get to it in the wheel arch!

:roflmbo: you talking to me :ielh:


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Could make a tutorial video, sell it for the forum. Not too expensive. Say $10 or something and the money goes to the forum :) So all the guys who join up just for the video (if it was made free to view on the net) and leech it and not donate!

Or stick it in the Donating Members area. You have to donate $10 or $20 to get in there and it would be easier to manage payments and makes sure you don't have to pay twice if you lose the video.

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 10d
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And it was easy as to do. The drive through the Black Spur after it was the best part of that day!!!

HAHAH yes that was awesome, still remember not being able to keep up with u in those twists... Wheres that other guy been?

A forum sponsor IMO should really step in, doubt most of them are open on a weekend, and if we charge maybe $10each to attend, to cover food drinks and use of the shop (bring our own tools etc..) Don't see why they wouldn't, yes they may have better things to do, and we'd all be picking their brains for advice, which would get annoying, but it would be beneficial for them too...

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