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haha yeah I forgot his name but I thought someone on this forum was becoming a supplier or organising to become one anyways...damn

yeah buds,its me but im waiting for shipment to arrive..should be very soon! I have a massive range of colours and quantity varients but will discuss further when it arrives and ill post up in the advertising thread..

Thanks matt (veva) for the kind help!

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Oh cool caswell are here.

This can only be a good thing right? I will try to be here puerly for a technical nature and updates. People here know what We are about and they know our prices are the lowest in the country so there is no need to spam post about that,

I did join to contact a few key members and am intrested in an advertising pack which is being sent to me.

a few questions I have seen pop up over this forum.

How easily does it come off. Well the funny thing is the more that's on there the easier it comes off when you want it to and it is also more durable. If you get over spray, just spray more there and peel it off.

What colours are in stock in australia White Red Blue Black Yellow. This is every where there is no blaze orange in the country or blaze blue, we will be the first to have it in stock due to our shipping methodes and import contacts.

Why is it so expensive here. Well this depends on who your talking to our prices are whewre they are as we pay more on shipping the items and hazmat fees than we do for the product. there is no reason why people should be paying over $30 a can though.

Can it be shipped inter state? YES and its not that expensive it just cant go via regular channels. The more you buy the cheaper it becomes.

I will try and answe some more when I can.

Please keep the questions coming.

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Apparently someone posted that there was a glossifier available? However when I bought some from a local bloke to do the rims on the workadore I bought what I thought was 'glossifier' but it was just clear and the wheels looked just as Matte black as ever.

Does this glossifier actually exist in australia yet?

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Yes I've used the glossifier and both metalisers. I'm now actually thinking about doing matte black again and adding a light dust of the gold metaliser over the whole car.

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Yes I've used the glossifier and both metalisers. I'm now actually thinking about doing matte black again and adding a light dust of the gold metaliser over the whole car.

That would look tough. I wanted to do black>metallizer>gloss for my wheels

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