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The Plastidip Thread.


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cheers mate - im guessing you didnt rub it back though? or have you done this as a permanent thing

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  • Member For: 12y 6m 28d
  • Gender: Male

cheers mate - im guessing you didnt rub it back though? or have you done this as a permanent thing

With plastidip you don't rub it back.

All you do for prep is a quick wash ( just a general soapy water wash or maybe a good gernie ), rub the car down with some wax and grease remover.

Mask up certain areas. ie, Windows. As so when you get overspray you have given yourself a solid amount of overspray to peel it all off in 1 go.

I would imagine because plastidip is pretty much like applying vynil. They would be only good for a certain number of years.

Plastidip does chip, rip etc. It's not as easily stone chipped being a sorta rubber like substance, but it can be repaired by rubbing the problem area and a slight surrounding with some general thinners to flatten out the edges with a glove and you finger, Once the edges are flatten around the tare for example. Grab you can of choice and spray about 3 to 4 coats over that problem area and a small amount of the surrounding to blend it in and your sweet as to go.

As said above it can and has been used as a temporary car bra much like the clear gloss vynil wrap you can get applied doing the same thing. The only real up side to plastidip is you can do it yourself rediculously easily and if you dont like the result or get bored with the color you just use your fingernail on a corner of the plastidip or rub you thumb on the corner to create a bubble and peel that sh*t straight off.

Back on topic of your question about rubbing it back for prep though. With plastidip if you wet sand your car as prep those slight scratch grades you have left behind in your wake would make the plastidip semi permanant ( it will always be removeable ) but will make it a real pain in the arse to remove off you paint. Then obviously once removed you are left behind with a car that has ghey clear coat herpes.

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