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Zf Box In Bf2 Won't Change Under Load


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I bought a bf2 zf xr6t today with 95000km

The cars tranny seems fine except under wot the car will rev to red line and sit there refusing to change.

To get it to change, it needs to be backed off the accelarator or manually changed.

The gears change fine on hard throttle although it won't change on full throttle.

I'm starting to get worried and think I bought a dud. I've done a search and can't find anything

Could anyone tell me how deep I'm in? Do I need a rebuild? Or is this a common problem with an easy fix?

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Hey guys thanks for the quick replys!

The car isn't tuned as far as I know. It's stock with a kn pod filter and the car is x-police car, I'm unsure if the police have a different tune?

By hit the limiter I mean, it hits the limiter and sits on the limiter, until you release the accelarator,

Like if I held the accelerator down, it would stay in gear.

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Pretty much. At the drags I had to back off a bit or change manually.

Changing manually gave me a better time.

Never really did it when car was stock so can't say if a tune is relevant in this case.

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Its certainly not right though. If disconnecting the battery doesnt work I'd start by dropping the trans pan and having a look at whats in there and if there's no obvious extra parts or damage in there, doing a trans oil flush and going from there. They're supposedly sealed for life boxes but after 100 000 kms I know my trans oil was f*cked.

EDIT: Did it have a full tank of fuel? My old BA XR6 N/A wouldnt shift one day under WOT and I was about ready to pull the box out until I refueled and it went away. Engine was starving for fuel and couldnt get to its shift point I think it was. that's with the old 4sd though, I dont know if the zf with the turbo motor would do the same? Just one of my experiences.

Edited by knoles
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Thanks for the replies

The battery is 1 day old so I'm guessing the ecu has already Been reset, should I disconnect it again?

When I did it the car had just been filled up from empty(no fuel at all) and I'm to scared to try again as it sat on the limiter and then when I backed off the car made a massive bang coming from the rear end. I tried it twice and am too scared to try again.

How do I check the diff gears? I'm sure it's the standard gearbox as it was originally a cop car and I know they are auto.

I'm planning on servicing the auto when the next service is due (5000km) hopefully that will fix it

The car changes gear perfectly through all gears if 0-90% throttle is used , just wot doesn't want to work

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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I think I read somewhere that cop cars had different diff gears - dont hold me to that though.

Hope you get it sorted man, the ZF is a beast of a trans.

If flushing it doesnt work and gears are correct, maybe get yourself an Xcal3 flash tuner and bring it to a ZF tuner to see if they can see what the go is.

Where are you located?

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