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Ba F6 Typhoon Max Power With This Setup....?


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And in saying real world power from the guys in blue are within 2%?? how is that possible.. when a FG GT 335kw is flywheel power pull from 325rwkw to 330rwkw in stock form??

it just cant be.. real world means it should be making over 400flywheel kw? my F6 made 207rwkw. while a mates made 201rwkw when APS say they make always between 200 to 210rwkw? while a 270flywheel kw FG XR6 turbo makes 218 to 230rwkw and I have seen 232rwkw from a FG XR6T I dont get how from a BA/BF typhoon 270kw to a FG XRT 270

The difference can be 10 to 25rwkw more a FG XRT makes more power at the wheels than a BA/BF GT?? does not add up ford is telling abit of poo about the true output..

Edited by ChrisJager123
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All F6 typhoon and from sep06 BF have the bigger rods in the bottem end guys lol come on this is a xr6turbo forum and nobody knows this?? that funny everybody just seems to listen to tunners rather than know anything in fact.. and also BA BF typhoon only share same rods and valve springs and a oil cooler.. F6 FG have the same rods also..

however BA XR6 turbo rods are the NA rods up untill sep06 and up to FG current model....

BA XR6 turbo on the left

BA F6 typhoon and BF XR6 turbo to current model FPV and XR6 on your right.

You might what to read Pazzo's previous post. Cheers

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And in saying real world power from the guys in blue are within 2%?? how is that possible.. when a FG GT 335kw is flywheel power pull from 325rwkw to 330rwkw in stock form??

it just cant be.. real world means it should be making over 400flywheel kw? my F6 made 207rwkw. while a mates made 201rwkw when APS say they make always between 200 to 210rwkw? while a 270flywheel kw FG XR6 turbo makes 218 to 230rwkw and I have seen 232rwkw from a FG XR6T I dont get how from a BA/BF typhoon 270kw to a FG XRT 270

The difference can be 10 to 25rwkw more a FG XRT makes more power at the wheels than a BA/BF GT?? does not add up ford is telling abit of poo about the true output..


This link will give you greater insight. Cheers


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Impellor everyone knows they just throw a number on for the factory flywheel kilowatt rating

the BF's 6 had more power than the 8 on the same dyno but 15kw less according to factory. 20kw less for the fpv's

FG f6's dyno around 280rwkw, which would be only a 10% driveline loss

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with stupid/\

ford put a higher kw rating on ba xr8 than xr6t- 260 vs 240. but xr6t had more power AND torque right across the rev range,. that is FACT not my opinion.

couldnt have a 6 out gunning an 8 in the v8 frats minds...

Edited by Panda Eyes
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