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Ba F6 Typhoon Max Power With This Setup....?


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hi guys im currnetly running a BAMK II F6 Typhoon and mods include....

proccess west stage 1 cooler

modded plazmaman piping cut to fit stock crossover

SS induction scoop with pod in airbox

ported or grinded out the stock crossover to increase flow

4inch 100cell CAT stock dump 2.5inch twin xforce

aeromotive 340lph intank feeding a custom 2.7L surge made by myself running a 044 single

1:1 rising rate fuel regulator set to 65 to 70psi fuel rail pressure 62lb injectors

manual boost tee as I feel the boost comes on alot harder without the stock contoller.

BKR7E .70 gapped plugs 14degres timing advance running midrange boost 23psi topend 17psi...

Rebuilt GT3540 with to4 front compressor 2mm bigger I think?

United 100 Fuel.

A/F ratio is at around 11:1.0 I think that's safe for 14deg advance and midrange set to 23psi

the thing is I never had a good custom tuner expert as you would say and I know enought about how to get them moving as a dam fast street car also I like the stock look under the bonnet..My car however has never been on a dyno I tuned it up from a capa stage 5 tune.. and I have seen so many XR6 turbos pull 480 490 500rwhp with less mods or flow to be honest and I have been in and had a 1:1.0 ratio side by side race with a nizpro tuned 400rwkw auto from 80kmh to 190 and it did not catch up or slowly pull me in it was neck and neck.. also a few mates running 450+rwhp feel not that fast when compared to mine?? how much power can you really get by pushing a F6 to its limit by running stock crossover and dump also crossover is grinded out almost to paper thin so it must be better.. than say tune and a set of injectors?? I have seen one guys with a stock crossover but all the guys on this site never changed pipes leading to it or hollow it out and still one guy got 507rwhp?? I dont understand the big deal about changing your intake manifold unless you want over 400rwkw and more lag with a bigger turbo??

and also my F6 manual got 207RWKW stock why dose a XR6 turbo FG pull 250rwkw plus.. same 270 rated flywheel output lol it dont make any sence? a 290kw boss pulls 225rwkw?? while a 335kw GT pulls 325+rwkw HAHA yeah more like 420KW GT?? could someone fill me in on this one??





Edited by ChrisJager123
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  • flame magnet
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one way to find out- on the dyno

stage 1 cooler and stock crossover will be the limiters. wot exhaust?

I reckon you can get up to 330ish

oh wait- stock injectors? 300

Edited by Panda Eyes
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  • flame magnet
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I wouldnt have surge mounts under chassis rails- scrape on something= gets ripped off= big fire....

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  • Skid Machine
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I think he mentioned 62lb injectors?

I'd say 350rwkw before the stock crossover and dump pipe start restricting the other stuff you've already listed.

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23psi on a stock bottom end, how long did you want this car to last? if you opened it up with a bigger cooler, intake, full exhuast you would probably make the same power on about 18psi

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the surge cant hit the ground the cross member is lower and not to mention the F6 body aswell so for me to hit the surge everything else has to come of??

and as for 330 to 350rwkw how do other guys with same setups run over 360rwkw on less boost and alot of people say they can get over 380rwkw with stock dump is this just bullsh*t?? or as they say happy dyno?

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  • Skid Machine
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Don't all F6's whether Ba or BF have the same bottom end?

I'm can't really answer how everyone else makes more power on less boost but I guess it's all in the tune. Might be a good idea to just chuck it on a dyno and see how everything is running.

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