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Air Mix Shaft Or Him?


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  • Member For: 14y 5m

Hi Guys,

I know this is probably a common issue as I have googled so much lately !! however my heater isnt working in my 2004 BA mk2. I keep reading it could be the air mix shaft, or the HIM module? Is there a way or knowing which one it is before taking out the dash ?? The mixer turns to the left and the air con kicks in, works a treat. turn it too the right ( heat ), nothing happens !!! Can anyone suggest some options to do/look at before I start taking the dash out ?

Greatly appreciate any help !!!!

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  • Member For: 13y 7m 13d
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Both lol remove centre console then pull dash out, I sit it in the front seats, climb in and rip the him module out, normally thr blendors break as well so the front section of the heater box needs to be unscrewed and removed then it splits un half so you can get the blendors out

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Yeh its actually easier to tell when it happens to dual zone ones, theres normally a massive temp difference between each side as most of the time only the passenger blendor breaks so when u set it on hot the drivers side goes hot and the passenger side stays cold, as of 10/11 all falcons and territorys have a new HVAC system so this shouldnt happen to new ones

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  • 6 months later...
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Bionic, when you say from 10/11 the Falc and Terry have a new HVAC system, do you know much about the changes. Is it a redesign or just some upgraded parts.

My 01/09 G6ET has a 10 degree difference between vents and needs the new controller thingo but wondering if the improved controller from 10/11 onwards can be used?? If it can a part number would be good.

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  • Member For: 13y 7m 13d
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The new system isnt interchangable, as far as I understand the entire hvac assembly is different, it also takes more gas<br /><br />Yes dual zone has 2 mixer shafts

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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