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Opinions On This Method Of Tuning


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  • Ford Nub
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Just spoke to a guy whos a 4th yr diesel mechanic and he told me he had modded a few xr6Ts himself. Some of the things he did to accomplish the power were a bit different to what I have thought to be the done thing. Anyway I asked his permission to post a transcript of our conversation. Be aware that he did all his own R&D , taking around 50 hrs total work and parts costing about $1200 (including the bits that didnt work) pity he didnt come across this site first.

Interested in hearing what issues the car/s may have doing it this way if any of the tuners here want to comment.

his replies in red.

do you do turbo rebuilds?


port and flapper mods?

haha not in work hours, but yer I've done em before, honestly doesn't make that much difference without adjusting ya fuel up to spin her faster.

have you considered this http://www.chaz.yellowfoot.org/Manual%20Boost%20Controller.htm

didnt think you can boost controllers on these

bull sh*t,I've fitted three of em to the VV-t Falcon Turbos

if I fit a high flow cat I will get over boost

it'll just open the wastegate when it senses over 15psi if its set to that

I think the ford ecu will to go into limp mode when it sees overboost

that's why you fit the manual boost controller, you put a wastegate actuator designed by Three bar racing http://www.3barracing.com/products.htm

disconnect the electronics on the ecu for the wastegate control, theres a 5 v supply and a return voltage. you put a 3K ohm resistor from the 5v supply to the return. it senses 13psi so the ecu thinks you have 13psi all the time. you then adjust your rail pressure sensor to tell the ecu you've got low rail pressure.

that wont ruin your engine?

nope,because you measure your boost and run it at 16psi controlled manually by the dawes valve. the car thinks you have low rail pressure so it pumps more fuel . you then put a high pressure pump on with a fuel pressure controller and put whatever pressure you want through the rail. you put a new map sensor on it that's adjusted so the car sucks harder.

so the car runs richer?

yep,but its clean because you've got more boost. then you adjust your o2 sensor

what about when it thinks your at 13psi when your idling?

doesn't matter,that's why you have your rail pressure adjusted. it goes, hold on... too much boost,oh wait the rail pressures fine,oh the map sensors saying the intake is fine...,must be fine. pulled 336HP out of an XR6 T doin that :)

what about the timing?

mate I can honestly say I haven't done anything with the timing

so the injectors were still stock too?

nah I made some for him, took em out of an XR8t and redrilled em, I drilled em one at a time and flow tested em. can't remember the exact CC's per stroke . you just change the injector feedback values and compensation codes with a G-Scan according to your flow testing.

this technique holds it from 1200 rpm to 5600. its not a standard looking dyno graph, its basically flat all the way through, bloody brilliant to drive ay.

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Was his name Benny?

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  • Ford Nub
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I get that its not the right way of doing it. What problems would occur by doing it this way? How would this damage the engine?

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It's not a very accurate way of controlling boost or fuel... Possible dead engine.

He makes no timing adjustments (WTF?)... Possible dead engine.

He's messing with your wiring looms and sensors... All sorts of electrical gremlins could occur from that.

He's working on your car... You'll be walking with a lot less in your wallet.

He sounds like every other apprentice I have working for me. They all think they know everything.

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