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Not really the place to be atm or ever after what's happened

I had no love for the place anyway as I had to live off snickers bars and cans of coke as I couldn't speaka de lingo and their just rude khunts

Think I had an icecream to come to think of it

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Yeah...I really am a bit uneasy about going now hey. Especially given France just went and straight up bombed Syria after. See how things are a little closer to the time I guess. My mate would absolutely hate me if I bailed on him, but things really are getting pretty sketchy over there.

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Heard on the radio this morning ISIL say anybody supporting france will suffer the same fate. Farkin lol I say. Why?

They will do it randomly to anybody anyway coz they have no cause. Just psycopath murders using religion to justify their bullsh*t. So whats the difference if we or any nation support france?

Its high time to balls up and officially declare a state of war on this sh*t. Almost every developed nation has been struck in some way. Its time to go all in together. Stop all but absoloutley necessary international travel until further notice. Stop treating people fleeing their homes as f*cking criminals, they are victims of war that need our help. Not our problem? Actually it's well and truly the whole f*cking worlds problem. Its like a plauge or something, isolate and eradicate. Then we need to protect the innocent in the long term and ensure their homes are safe to return to so they can truly rebuild their society and strength.

All efforts and operations so far have clearly acheived sweet f*ck all apart from costing the brave and the loyal their lives, in vein it would appear.

You could call it WW3 if you want but I couldnt see it being like wars we have seen before. If the world stands together it will be a very one sided affair. I 100% support frances reaction and the barrage should continue from this moment on until the scum have been erradicated from the earth.

This needs to be the defining moment when the world says enough is enough...f*ck the trend of outpour of sorrow, media attention and click baiters.

Time for sh*t to get real.

Edited by barnz
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^^ Spot on

Then we need to protect the innocent in the long term and ensure their homes are safe to return to so they can truly rebuild their society and strength.

Only thing is... we are talking the middle east here.
Been something like 23 wars since 2000. While ever there is a Jewish state inexistence, there will be no peace, just times where there is a lesser body count.
The whole region is stuck where medieval Europe was at 6-700 years ago - war is part of daily life.

Which is probably why the bombings in Beirut last week have not had much of a mention (silence which is now generating its own outrage from the clickbaiters and feelgooders)
The loss of human life there is just as devastating as that in Paris, it's just not as surprising
Yes I know downtown Beirut is a far cry from battlefields in Syria or Iraq, but to your average citizen it's all the same.

But I fully agree a state of war is the only solution to ISIL/Daesh
There will be many casualties, there will be friendly fire incidents, some civilians will be killed in the fog of war and there will be further outrage, there will be issues working with the Assad government and many other problems before finally the scum are defeated (in their present form at least). But the (existing) alternative is worse.

Edited by camo86T
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Rammstein are playing at a festival I've got tickets to in France next year...

WTF!! Ill pass but you have a great time stripes and if you dont come back (because of French) I shot gun your home theatre.

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Correct cammo, its going to suck and in the long term we cant make decisions for them and dictate their beliefs, way of life ect. But as it effects the innocent and defenseless across the world we have a humanitarian obligation to protect them. Othwrwise what the fark is the point of or vast collective, military power. Status?

Never thought I would say it but sometimes war is a necessary evil, taking the "im not going to fight you, and be the bigger person" stance is not going to work.

Im sure everybody is open to a better solution than war, but is there one?

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