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Completed Full System Install In Fg Ute!


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Well I finally finished the install of my system into the ute....and absolutely blown away.. I went with the Audison Bit Ten processor and yeah they make a good product. I have a little bit of noise when the head unit is set at zero but once it's up...mind blowing crystal clear sound!!! I considered getting it installed by a shop but after quotes in the $1800 vicinity I ended up doing whole system myself Basically done my research, planned the build (routing of wires etc), I manufactured a custom sub Enclosure to house the 2 12"s behind the seats/ Amplifiers in the cab of the ute and installed the processor etc. The sound stage in the ute is mind blowing (and that's with the 'out of the box firmware' operating the system...haven't got around to updating the software on it with the laptop yet!!).

The install turned out beautiful....pain in the a*s at times but the end result was worth every bit. No cut corners, no body mods or drilling required at all to the car, looks completely stealthy in every way (umm until you see the amplifiers and 2 subs aimed at your seats!!! and the sound quality is like driving around in a sound studio!! The two 12's hitting the seats is simply lethal with zero distortion, a snare sounds like a snare, guitar sounds like a guitar...I can't help but now drive the long way home!!! hahaha

I've since pulled up alongside other FG and SS utes and they spinout that the Bass is coming from an FG!!

Heres some pics!!






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  • Spooling Member
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Fark the end product looks mint!

How long did it take you start to finish?

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Hey Tom, All the stereo gear I had sitting in the spare room for approx 6 months and mate it was bugging the sh*t out of me that I couldn't find the time to put it into the car. Really all I required was the sub enclosure materials and the Sound Field Processor to complete the job. Soon as I found the Bit Ten going cheap I swooped!! Found the materials for the subwoofer enclosure so conveniently sitting in a shipping container at work (inside insulation and the thick marble finish MDF) I swooped on that too. Basically worked 2 long weekends (morning start through to midnight). Relatively cheap job however I did what I could to make sure it was done properly.

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  • Turboless
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Say it again fella, did a great job :spoton:

I'd say Velcro would be a good way to hold the top from moving forward. But the weight in itself Id say would be sufficient if I did it myself..if I get the fg ute as next car I might pick your brain a bit more regarding where u mounted stuff n sizes. Did u make the box big enough that each sub requires?

Sent from my left nut using my right hand

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Yeah the base of the box is raised off the ledge by about an inch.. just to allow access to the jack on the passenger side, I've placed MDF on the bottom of the box on either side of the box (like wings which go to the edge of the cab (covered in carpet)) to stop lateral movement and the base with heaps of velcro. Yeah I know if I roll the car I might end up wearing a 12" sub on my head :) touch wood but I done what ever I could to not drill holes in the car. I tested it and done hard braking and thrown the ute through a few corners just to test that it's not moving and it's not budged one bit!!

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As far as the volume for the sub enclosures the volume is not far off. I used the kicker website Sub box dimension for a single sub and matched that. Obviously my enclosure isn't flat on the top however it is higher than the kicker product to try match the same volume.

Edited by Boog72
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  • Member For: 16y 7m 13d
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Obviously the base is on the ledge and heaps of velcro. It's planted firm and not going to move at all

Edited by Boog72
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