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Idle Problems With Xr6t's


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  • Member For: 21y 2m 21d

Hi all,

Have any of you guys encountered poor idle quality with your XR6T's. Sometimes my car will idle right down to 500 rpm and then start hunting between 500rpm and 750 rpm or on several occassions it will just stall. Mine's a 10/03 build and has the ECM version 3R23 12A650 AHA but have noticed the new cars in the showrooms have AAB version of ECM. Has the new version rectified this problem does anyone know??? Am wondering if I should get the new version reflashed into my ECM????? My dealers checked everything many times and cant find anything wrong .....

All help would be greatly appreciated. :smilielol:

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Guest blueXRT
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My T is at the dealers at the moment for a few things one of them is the sudden drop of revs during idle? Mine is a 0503 build? They did not indicate that this was a common problem etc so I am betting when I pick her up they will say they tested it and all os OK!! :smilielol:

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blueXRT, I am experiencing the same problem and I have had mine back twice now, but each time they say thee are no codes and therefore no problem... :angry: I took it to a performance shop who has the gizmo and they ran the tests ( I watched then do it and no codes were activated). It generally does it with the air on and idling at lights. Another thing I have noticed lately is that when you are driving on the highway 90-100klms when the air compressor kicks in, you get a noticeable surge in the car. This has only recently started and I am sure that the 2 are related.

Pls keep me posted how you go with your visit today as moine is going in again on Fri for brakes (surprise surprise, 45 service etc).



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Guest rabbit
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same problem with many attempts by 2 different dealers to fix - not successful yet. So far they've replaced sensors and throttle body but it still shudders. have escalated the matter direct to Ford head office.

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  • Formerly Turbo6
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Thank God I am not alone. I thought my ute had the roughest idle in the world and it too was hunting as you said when pulling up to lights especially with the aircon on - sometimes (3) even stalling! Absolutely $hit me to tears.

Back to Ford 3 times. They replaced the pedal assembly (?) - don't now why, but that didn't fix it. The third time I told them to clean the cam phasers - decent job removing the cams etc. It has definitely made my idle smoother, but the hunting at idle IS STILL THERE!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

I have a rampod filter, no centre muffler and an Xede from ChipTorque. This has always been a problem for the last 18,000kms it is just getting worse. So it is not the chip.

I can't wait for my GT to get here 'cause this thing is really getting to me.

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1 more here!!!!

Dealer says bring it back again and we will have another look????? Last time it was in I was running the latest ECM, but that was over a month ago.

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  • Member For: 21y 9m 20d

I had no issues for a while.

Then it stalled once.

Then I notice under some slowing-down type conditions (and when I put the car into neutral) the car almost stalls.

Mentioned it to the service people, and they re-flashed my ECU with the latest software.

Ive noticed it doesnt come as close to stalling, but you can REALLY see where they put in the line:

If RPM=500 then spurt accelerator until RPM=1300 then slow down slowly to idle speed.

Its a bit of a primitive fix in my opinion. I expect when I put my foot on the clutch as Im almost stopped that the revs should quickly drop down and settle at idle...and not come close to stalling nor involve extended periods (a second) at higher revs in an attempt to prevent a stall.

Its a little bit worse with Air-con on which is not suprising.

Also, with the new software I notice a definite bit of a surge when using cruise control at about 80kmh. The cruise control was 100% perfect before then. Now the surging at that speed is not only notieable and a bit annoying, but with our anal speed laws, puts me at risk of going 3kmh over the limit and having a finger chopped off by Mr Bracks for doing so.

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Yeah boys, same here since new.

Probably stalled 10-12 in that time and double that in almost stall.

Dealer cannot trace.

Have tried to simulate twice with a mech on board but to no avail.

I want them to fiddle with the mechanical idle stop on the throttle body but they dont have any info so it's a no-go area.

Last stall was yesterday just rolling in walking pace traffic.

I'ts an auto which is a bigger pain. Can't just bang the clutch in and re-crank.

Oh well, with the EXEDE on board, guess it's just pedal down and forget the rest.

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  • Member For: 21y 2m 21d

Hi all,

Thanks for all your replys ... seems the latest version of the ECM program does'nt rectify this annoying problem. I can't believe Ford let this thing go into production with such piss poor idle quality .... nothing worse than buying a new car and the bloody thing frequently stalls!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe FORDTECH can help ????????????

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Hot off the press guys.There are new calibrations becoming available possibly by christmas or not long after.We're waiting for them to be verified and then despatched to the dealers.Unfortunately the verification isn't the fastest procedure in the world.But Ford are aware of the problem and have produced a fix for it.I will try and let you all know what the actual problem is or was as soon as I recieve that info.

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