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Things To Buy For An Ba Xr6 Turbo!


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Ok, some of you were following my 'other' post stating that I was planning on buying a BA XR6t. I still haven't bought the car yet, but the time is coming near.

So far, I know of two things that I want/need for it.

The first being an Aux Booster Kit which is quite essential to me as music is everything!

I've seen a few floating around on eBay but was wondering if this Booster Kit is the only option or if there is something else better I can purchase that will give me the Aux input? (the BA I am looking at doesn't have one).

The second thing is a Boost Gauge. Now, I have never owned a Turbo car before and don't even really know how to read the gauge... :$

None the less, I think they look hot and would love to buy one when I get my car. Seeing as I don't really know much about Turbos I was wondering if there is a peticular brand of gauge that I should be buying or does it not matter? If anyone could help me out with information that would be great. Thanks!

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  • Skid Machine
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Well mate you can get an aux booster off ebay or from ford the the standard stereo is still sh*t. I found it much more worth while to just chuck an after market head unit in. Just a basic sony one installed was about $200. Then upgrade your speakers if you like.

You might be lucky that your car comes with gauges but if not you can buy the pod that sits above your icc like fpv have factory then it's basically pic a brand you like and get it installed. I'd probably just buy autometer or something like that.

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  • Member For: 12y 11m 28d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Well mate you can get an aux booster off ebay or from ford the the standard stereo is still sh*t. I found it much more worth while to just chuck an after market head unit in. Just a basic sony one installed was about $200. Then upgrade your speakers if you like.

You might be lucky that your car comes with gauges but if not you can buy the pod that sits above your icc like fpv have factory then it's basically pic a brand you like and get it installed. I'd probably just buy autometer or something like that.

Cheers. I did think about an aftermarket head unit to install but I have heard that the shifter gets in the way, plus I need to get myself an iPod anyway and would like the Aux input. Also, if I use an aftermarket head unit I won't be able to use the steering wheel volume control or channel changer. Then again, I'm not sure if you can use that through Auxiliary either... I know you can if you buy the iPod thingy that goes into the power source and tune it into a radio station, but yeah.

And no, the car I'm getting does not have gauges. I was just wondering if some brands are more accurate than others, etc.

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  • Turboless
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yeh auxiliary u can control volume, the lot thru the steering wheel. there are some kits u can buy if u get aftermarket headunits to make the factory controls on the steering wheel work but it does cost a little lol

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yeah I have the best headunit available from blaupunkt. and the steering wheel interface cost about 150$. Fitted myself. and it doesnt work anywhere near as good as it did from factory. almost a waste of money..

In hindsight id much rather spend that on performance mods.. 15PSI sounds much better than doof doof now ive seen both worlds :)

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  • Skid Machine
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Once the car is in drive (if auto) then the shifter is out of the way. Yes it's nice to be able to use the buttons on the steering wheel but you get used to not being lazy and moving your arm that extra foot to change the volume.

If you get the aux cable that connects to the factory gear you can still use the steering wheel buttons but you can do so much more with a headunit and the sound is a lot better.

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  • Skid Machine
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Thanks for pointing that out.

In that case I'd just buy the auxiliary cable off ebay. I bought the un-boosted one for about $15 which did the job but it's just a headphone jack basically.

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  • Turboless
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  • Member For: 13y 10m 25d
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  • Location: Geelong, Victoria

do u get the whiney engine noise? id recommend going boosted aux cable. the one I got off ebay was alright used to charge it n all...for 4wks then it stopped. got a replacement did the same thing so I havent bothered replacing it if it keeps happening lol. this was just a no name one, not the ford boosted cable..

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